Sometimes we find a song or a video or an album that we want to talk about. Whether it’s something we found, something that found us, a premiere, whatever. We will clarify, of course, but this is where you can find those.

**My dad came up with the title of this one. He’s a clever man whose wheels got turning when I said an “imperfect fifth” could also be called a “wolf interval” or “wolf fifth.”

the vapor caves | harmonious funk

the vapor caves | harmonious funk

The title and theme of this playlist is “Harmonious Funk”. Yadira’s love for harmony fuels the songwriting of The Vapor Caves and BoomBaptist’s deep love for funk is a driving force in the production. We chose these songs with this combination in mind. Keep up with...

oscar louis, “noodle”

oscar louis, “noodle”

New release “Noodle” from up-and-coming project Oscar Louis totters whimsically between resignation and acceptance. The solo venture of Canadian singer-songwriter Oren Lefkowitz, Oscar Louis blends blog era hip hop with detached chillwave, presenting a placid, steady...

indie rock revival | foxy mojo

indie rock revival | foxy mojo

A 50 track grab bag of Indie Rock's most rambunctious outings with less synths and more sizzle. Don your black leather jackets and add a bit of swagger & strut to your day with this Indie Rock REVIVAL Playlist from FOXY MOJO. Keep up with Foxy Mojo here.

cigarettes & alcohol | the revel

cigarettes & alcohol | the revel

Through the years lyrically and musically these songs have sculpted our imaginations. Thinking outside the box, but staying true to rock and roll is what The Revel is about and what this playlist emulates. These songs have been a constant inspiration for our writing,...

lady lark, “bad thoughts”

lady lark, “bad thoughts”

Do you appreciate music videos packed to the brim with humor? How about smooth vocals, eighties vibes, and soft lighting? If you checked all of the "LOVE LOVE THIS THING" boxes next to those items, then go ahead and take Minneapolis musician Lady Lark's "Bad Thoughts"...

spaceface, “panoramic view”

spaceface, “panoramic view”

Memphis-based psych rock outfit Spaceface -- comprised of Peter Armstrong, Jake Ingalls, Eric Martin, Matt Strong, Daniel Quinlan, and Miles Young -- has produced an intricate and whirring track that we could easily see being played both in a slow motion montage of a...