home for the holidays
This holiday season seems to have flown by, though we know people say that every year. The thing is, we have been so enamored by the music submissions during the entirety of 2017, and we were in way over our heads even remotely trying to make BEST OF lists. (Though, we aren’t saying we won’t.) But here’s the best part… some of our favorite music can pop back up during the holidays with this new playlist we have procured (and are probably still working on).
“Home for The Holidays” is not holiday-driven whatsoever. We just like to think it’s a playlist you could play at any function over the next couple of weeks to keep you in a positive and festive mood. Hell, you could use it on your road trip back home to de-stress from it all. All we want you to do is just enjoy it. Revel in it. Let us know what you think. (What do you dig? What seems a little off?)
And, if you’re kosher with it, we’d love to get song suggestions in the comments! Because we might be constantly updating this thing over the rest of 2017, so you might as well see if your song selection makes it!
Start a conversation with us! Comment below, or visit our Facebook page!