Sometimes we find a song or a video or an album that we want to talk about. Whether it’s something we found, something that found us, a premiere, whatever. We will clarify, of course, but this is where you can find those.
**My dad came up with the title of this one. He’s a clever man whose wheels got turning when I said an “imperfect fifth” could also be called a “wolf interval” or “wolf fifth.”
colin & caroline, “you and i both”
Rare is it to find a musical duo that totally creates an ambiance all their own with the way their voices blend mellifluously into instrumentals. But let me tell you... duo Colin & Caroline can make a cover song all their own in a way I have never experienced....
matt boroff, beautiful machine
On his new album Beautiful Machine, Matt Boroff ventures into unknown territory to examine our relationship with technology. While Boroff has been making music for years, this album finds him still evolving the way artists should. Boroff compares the...
la poré, “all we have is us”
On the hunt for a smooth track that will have you dancing around in your kitchen like you're at a trance club at 2 am, surrounded by neon lights and glitter? (We truly don't care who witnesses us doing this at this point. Nostalgia has us dancing everywhere these...
dark side of the light, “moist”
Jewel tones, simple, gorgeous performance visuals that dance along the fine line between simplistic and artful masterpiece. This is how we would describe the new visual for Los Angeles-based alt-indie duo Dark Side of The Light's (Nik Frost and Grant Conway)...
RⱯHM , “semiautomatical”
When working to fully connect with our human reality, music, like always, may be the best way to express our thoughts regarding the matter. That’s why RⱯHM ⚉’s new track “semiautomatical” was made. It highlights the complicated nature of our society by...
dawn drapes, “you are the one”
The Dawn Drapes are Michael Sanzo and Daniel Rice. This musical duo formed in Harrisonburg, VA in 2010, and has been cultivating their sound with notable influences of shoegaze and psych-wave over the years. Their newest release is an indie masterpiece complete with...
you me at six, “adrenaline”
British rock band You Me at Six have delivered a moody turned explosion of a track with their newest release, “Adrenaline”. This is to say that the song eases you in with a gentle, soft verse before blowing you away with loud and catchy chorus to ripple through...
kuwaisiana, “cymbal of this city”
Being faced with the daunting task of starting over in a new place and experiencing loneliness in the process can be an overwhelming and exhausting preposition, one that makes you feel like isolated and alone. Kuwaisiana’s newest release “Cymbal of this City”...
oscar delaughter, “just woke up”
The start of every new year often brings new resolutions, aspirations, and sometimes an overwhelming emphasis on the need to be “positive”. While there’s no doubt such efforts are commendable, there is something refreshing about a voice that speaks out against the...
ane brun, “crumbs”
The video for Ane Brun’s track “Crumbs”, from one of her two newly released albums “After The Great Storm” (the other is How Beauty Holds the Hand of Sorrow), is a brilliant showcase of emotions. Each scene is a carefully woven story of pain and love and the...