by Meredith Schneider | Jan 8, 2019 | videos, wolf tracks
Dial up internet noises in the beginning, and we’re already in love. Sophie Strauss‘ new video for “I Was” captures the visuals in a very ethereal and light way, much like the vocal delivery. The song itself is an introspective anecdote, while Strauss susses out the complicated feelings she had for and around women growing up. Even if it wasn’t created on film directly, the video is shot with an esthetic as though it was, which goes with the throwback theme of the song. Self analysis sometimes requires us to delve into the past in order to create our futures more fully. Take this track as your opportunity to do so.
Keep up with Sophie Strauss here.
by Meredith Schneider | Jan 2, 2019 | soundtrack, visual
Everybody’s done with those gnarly “Best Of” lists, correct? No? Oh, we didn’t post our favorite music videos of the month quite yet? Alright. You’ve got us. We took a few (much needed) days out of rotation, and we feel like we are already behind on everything! Especially when December yielded so many incredible new collections of music, let alone a host of top notch visuals for our viewing pleasure. So let’s dive in, shall we? Time to enjoy some great new music videos from Chromeo, Roosevelt, Mae Muller, The Faded North, and more!
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 14, 2018 | premieres, videos
The visual of chairs being set up in the round is slightly peculiar to the untrained eye, setting a microphone up while it pendulum swings above a stool, amps being set up. Casey Dubie‘s new video for “Silver” was strikingly shot by Kayhl Cooper, each frame flooded with largely monochromatic tones, giving more dimension to an already lush and beautiful visual that matches its corresponding soundscape. Explains Casey:
I had a blast working with Kayhl on this video. We shot over two days in a few locations in northern Vermont. He is so creative and I’m excited that the video narrates a few of the themes in the song really well. In this video we wanted to depict the different voices we live with that attempt to weigh us down as well as explore who our audience is.
We’re blown away by every aspect of it, and are pleased to have your first look at “Silver” in its entirety below!
Keep up with Casey Dubie here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 14, 2018 | videos, wolf tracks
If you’re a fan of classic 60s musicians like Bob Dylan, James Taylor, and the like, then Pale Mara is a musical act you’d be sure to love. Feel the vintage-inspired work give you slight goosebumps as you drive through the cold(er) weather, taking in the gorgeous bonfires and sunsets of the remaining autumn weeks. If that’s not what you’re into, watch it. This video incites a nostalgic feeling, comprised of old footage, edited together by Jeff Wenzel.
“Not Like I Used To” by Pale Mara Written By: Lee Godleski Video Editor: Jeff Wenzel Vocals and Piano: Lee Godleski Drums: David Christian Lead Guitar: David Kammerer Bass: Thea Garlid Harmonies: Allison Robinson and Thea Garlid Percussion: Dave Ulrich Recorded at Daisie’s Philadelphia – January 2018 Engineer: Dave Ulrich Mixing: Josh Hahn Engineer: Josh Hahn Mastering: Ryan Schwabe
Keep up with Pale Mara here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 14, 2018 | premieres, videos
With a hard-hitting, percussion-driven entrance, Andrew Weiss and Friends make a splash with new single “Monochrome”. Not only that, but the brand new accompanying music video is quite brilliant, if you ask us. As Weiss’ soothing voice carries you on a very specific, though relatable, lyrical adventure, animated in its entirety by Kyle Monroe. Get yourself in a psychedelic frame of mind and check out the video below!
Keep up with Andrew Weiss and Friends here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 12, 2018 | videos, wolf tracks
Singer/songwriter Izzy Escobar has been through quite a bit to get to where she is in life, let alone in her music career. With vocals that incite goosebumps, she approaches her work with a sense of self that is hard to find within today’s bevy of artists. Her new video for “Warrior” is no different, in fact it enhances that feeling even more. Wearing all red, she leads a group of confident women through the lamplit streets at one point, a beautiful take on the lyrics.
If you’re ready for something impactful, press play.
Keep up with Izzy Escobar here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 4, 2018 | soundtrack, videos
November was quite the month for new music, if you ask us. Left and right we were premiering new gems, and a hefty amount of brand new music and lyric videos for your wandering eyes. This time, we bring you a lineup of some of our favorites of November 18th. If nothing else, it’s so your eyes don’t have to wander for a while. Featuring music videos by Alice in Chains, James Arthur, Mimoza, John Mellencamp, Swimming Tapes, Deanna Petcoff, and more!
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 3, 2018 | premieres, videos
The holiday season is officially upon us, and we’re celebrating with not just one premiere, but a DOUBLE PREMIERE with our friends Phil and the Osophers. With the wintertime release of Another Merry Christmas with Phil and the Osophers, here are the quirky and beautifully illustrated new lyric videos for both “The Smell Of A Christmas Tree” and “Playing Santa”. In both, each member of the act is depicted playing their respective instruments. The former is a meandering treasure, while “Playing Santa” recalls the magical feeling of wrapping gifts and the wonderful reality of impending happiness under the glow of the tree.
Take some time to enjoy them both below! And perhaps add them to your upcoming holiday playlist to listen to while you roast chestnuts or wind down after a few hours in the snow.
Another Merry Christmas with Phil and the Osophers is available now. Keep up with Phil and the Osophers here.
by Meredith Schneider | Nov 30, 2018 | premieres, videos
Self-proclaimed “hobo folk musician” and Kazoo salesman D.B. Rouse has a quirkily entertaining new music video for his single “About The Bite Missing From Your Sandwich” to share with us, and we’re lucky enough to be giggling now as we premiere it. If the title is no indication, the song is definitely comedic, reminiscent of some of our favorite Weird Al favorites. To find out what happens to the aforementioned sandwich, get silly with the new video below!
Expands D.B. Rouse:
This was filmed on a cold fall day in Buffalo, New York. It stars Brendan Shea of Brendan and The Strangest Ways. His acting is a visual and visceral image of the internal reactions many of us have when we realize that life will always be taking bites of our metaphorical sandwiches. Of course life is also the only reason we have sandwiches. There has been a debate raging among folk punk communities on the internet as to whether sandwiches or soups are better. While I’m not weighing in with an opinion here, this song had to be about a sandwich. It is near impossible to tell when a bite has been stolen from a soup. Which is why soups are the easiest foods to steal bites from. Protect your soups.
12/15/2018: Iron Mountain, MI @ Sol Blu
12/21/2018: Milwaukee, WI @ Landmark Lanes (The “Have a Good Winter, You’re On Your Own, Milwaukee” Show,” feat. Coventry Jones, ShandiniMagic)
12/31/2018: Terlingua, TX @ Starlight Theatre
Keep up with D.B. Rouse here.