pale mara, “not like i used to”
If you’re a fan of classic 60s musicians like Bob Dylan, James Taylor, and the like, then Pale Mara is a musical act you’d be sure to love. Feel the vintage-inspired work give you slight goosebumps as you drive through the cold(er) weather, taking in the gorgeous bonfires and sunsets of the remaining autumn weeks. If that’s not what you’re into, watch it. This video incites a nostalgic feeling, comprised of old footage, edited together by Jeff Wenzel.
“Not Like I Used To” by Pale Mara Written By: Lee Godleski Video Editor: Jeff Wenzel Vocals and Piano: Lee Godleski Drums: David Christian Lead Guitar: David Kammerer Bass: Thea Garlid Harmonies: Allison Robinson and Thea Garlid Percussion: Dave Ulrich Recorded at Daisie’s Philadelphia – January 2018 Engineer: Dave Ulrich Mixing: Josh Hahn Engineer: Josh Hahn Mastering: Ryan Schwabe
Keep up with Pale Mara here.