by Meredith Schneider | Jan 8, 2019 | videos, wolf tracks
Dial up internet noises in the beginning, and we’re already in love. Sophie Strauss‘ new video for “I Was” captures the visuals in a very ethereal and light way, much like the vocal delivery. The song itself is an introspective anecdote, while Strauss susses out the complicated feelings she had for and around women growing up. Even if it wasn’t created on film directly, the video is shot with an esthetic as though it was, which goes with the throwback theme of the song. Self analysis sometimes requires us to delve into the past in order to create our futures more fully. Take this track as your opportunity to do so.
Keep up with Sophie Strauss here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 27, 2018 | albums, review
Songstress Sophie Strauss recently released a new 8-track album filled to the brim with poetic intensity, a sense of self shining through that we have been craving lately. From Americana-tinged “Drive Down Mama” to the pop-infused “Aphids”, through the smooth atmospheric sounds of “Dog Fight”, Strauss’ work maintains an ethereal, playful soundscape that improves the mood of the room, regardless of the title and topic. “Text” gets slow and sensual, while “Sweetboy” contains primal percussion that would make anyone swoon. “I Was” is filled with reverb, a tinny effect that reflects the leading and ending quote.
“Joan of Arc” gets a little more military-feeling with regards to its percussion, apropos to the fact that the song is named after one of the greatest women warriors in known history. Listen closely to the lyrics, as it gets a bit vulnerable and we emerge with our hearts aching, though in a fulfilling and intensely emotional way. Sophie ends the album in “Aphids (Solo)”, a beautiful tribute to a picturesque and incredible memory.
Keep up with Sophie Strauss here.