yellowcard ignites sparks @ pier 17 in nyc

yellowcard ignites sparks @ pier 17 in nyc

When we heard Yellowcard was bringing in the big guns for their Pier 17 show in New York City, we knew we had to be a part of it. After six years away from touring, the east coast got to celebrate with the band as they honored 20 years of Ocean Avenue — a street many Brooklynites are familiar with. (Yes, we know many places have streets called “Ocean Avenue,” but we choose to claim it when we can.)

Joined by pop punk heavyweights Mayday Parade and Story of the Year, Yellowcard captivated the city crowd with their talent on stage all evening, as the lights slowly dimmed over the city. Their musicianship re-ignited a purity and interest – a spark – in music that had been feeling a little murky lately.

What an unbelievable experience, what a beautiful night.

Way Away
Lights and Sounds
Rough Landing, Holly
Five Becomes Four
Holly Wood Died
One Year, Six Months
Hang You Up (with Derek Sanders)
Empty Apartment
Play Video
Childhood Eyes
Light Up the Sky
Always Summer
Back Home
With You Around
Only One
Ocean Avenue

whitacre @ cancelled plans music festival 2020

whitacre @ cancelled plans music festival 2020

On April 17, we hosted one of the most magnificent 9 hour marathons of live music practically ever. (That’s a bold claim, but challenge us!) Whitacre performed, people clapped from their sofas and beds, and this just proves we have to have an extended Whitacre tour once the world allows for it again. Check out the talent below!