daniela savoldi, “space”
Today, instrumentalist Daniela Savoldi releases the latest music video from her recent album Ragnatele, for her gorgeous song “Space”. We’ve got the official premiere, which will lead you to witness incredible scenery, essentially poetry in motion. Explains Savoldi:
“Space” is a musical piece with no internal timing, hovered , where sounds and thoughts mix up building a free sonority and a free thought. Music notes fly to the infinite, regrowing aware higher and higher. The pizzicato is the earthly element of this piece, the wire connecting present and future. The clip, with its amazing images, succeeded in recreate this world made of earth, water and air and I felt totally melted into these three elements. I decided to add a sentence at the end of the video…WE ALL ARE ONE …to remember that we are part of the beauty and to preserve it we have to respect it.
Expands Poli:
“SPACE” is poignant and very sweet . Wistful sometimes but at the same time full of air, full of deep breaths… It is from these very immediate and intense emotions that everything started from. This video is a tribute to the beauty that Daniela Savoldi‘s notes recall. This beauty surrounds us and wraps us around. It is an open, lively and unlimited space created by a magnetic sound. I tried to be a gentle breeze. I painted Daniela‘s energy totally fused with nature thanks to the awsome images by Laura Mantovi. Daniela is connected with nature. The wind cleans and regenerates.
Witnessing beauty with her.
Listening to the beauty that is inside her.
Even though everywhere we witness relentless clues of human misbehaviour.
Open yourself to a solo adventure, during which the concepts of time and space do not apply. If not meditative, this song will pull at your heartstrings in another way, daring you to move forward with your dreams. Check it out below!
Keep up with Daniela Savoldi here.