Sometimes we find a song or a video or an album that we want to talk about. Whether it’s something we found, something that found us, a premiere, whatever. We will clarify, of course, but this is where you can find those.
**My dad came up with the title of this one. He’s a clever man whose wheels got turning when I said an “imperfect fifth” could also be called a “wolf interval” or “wolf fifth.”
a soundtrack by baron minker
I created my playlist to reflect the music that has influenced my music the most in the past and some tunes I’m currently really into. A lot of it might be obvious and even more not so obvious. Sometimes it’s simply the production style or thematic elements that wind...
my music bible | jo james
These are songs/artists that have inspired me throughout my music career and in all honesty have got me through life. These songs take me back and push me forward. It’s a mix of funk, blues, r&b soul, rap, rock, and pop. This is my music bible. Songs and artist...
cheat codes, “on my life”
Electro-pop trio Cheat Codes have recently dropped a video for their new feel-good single “On My Life”. Since their formation in LA, the band has racked up some impressive stats with over 4 billion streams to date and collabs with everyone from Fetty Wap to Demi...
between kings, “too young to give a fuck”
Rising alternative pop rock group Between Kings have released their newest EP Antidote. The title track “Antidote” is a non-judgmental observation on mental health. Currently the track is making constant play across alternative rock radio stations, it is also setting...
wwoman, “ea2020”
If the title isn't enough to entice you (the full version is "Eating Ass 2020"), perhaps Wwoman's silky smooth vocals and light as a feather soundscapes will give you reason. As artist and musician g smee's one-man project, wwoman delivers a well-thought out track for...
gillian, “high”
Boston-based pop artist GILLIAN has just put out her new single, “High”. The young songstress is only 15 years of age but is already proving her knack for chronicling life’s ups and downs and trials and tribulations with clarity, poetic eloquence, and a stirringly...
sailing stones, polymnia
Alt-pop singer-songwriter Sailing Stones drops new album Polymnia. The album has circles around romantic innocence and longing set in uncertainty. “Fire Escape”, the last single released before the release of the album. The track is a love song watching one lose that...
rileyy lanez, “foul play”
R&B artist Rileyy Lanez continues to showcase her ‘heart on her sleeve’ music style with new single “Foul Play”. This track, along with previous release songs “I’m Leaving” and “Left 4 Me” will be featured on her forthcoming 5-track EP Beautiful Mistakes, out on...
deerhoof, “‘farewell’ symphony”
Deerhoof has released their new song “Farewell’ Symphony”. The single precedes the release of the group’s forthcoming album Future Teenage Cave Artists. The song's inspiration is as ambitious as the track itself, with the video (edited by Deerhoof’s Greg Saunier)...
hannah grace, “wasted love”
Heaven-sent artist Hannah Grace (come on, even her name sounds angelic) has just released her newest track, a beautiful number called “Wasted Love”. The atmospheric track offers comforting support during heartbreak. Regarding the single, Hannah says,“I wrote ‘Wasted...