Sometimes we find a song or a video or an album that we want to talk about. Whether it’s something we found, something that found us, a premiere, whatever. We will clarify, of course, but this is where you can find those.

**My dad came up with the title of this one. He’s a clever man whose wheels got turning when I said an “imperfect fifth” could also be called a “wolf interval” or “wolf fifth.”

sir sly, “material boy”

sir sly, “material boy”

by: tiffany czech In a world where material possessions meet spiritual growth, one may find themselves just as conflicted as the character in Sir Sly’s music video for “Material Boy”.  Here, the material boy is someone who appears to be in a state of distress as he...

lone kodiak, “pdx ’97”

lone kodiak, “pdx ’97”

by: tiffany czech Finding the perfect song to play while driving with the windows down and music loud is an enthralling experience that can be found immediately after pressing play on rock trio Lone Kodiak’s new song, “PDX ‘97”.  The band was formed in East Los...

john shipe, the beast is back

john shipe, the beast is back

by: meredith schneider Though his sound has been shaped and mastered over years of musicianship, John Shipe's greatest collection of work comes, arguably, with his new release, a full-length titled The Beast Is Back. His twelfth release, Shipe has poured what seems to...

jeni schapire, “what’s in a name”

jeni schapire, “what’s in a name”

by katy mombourquette “What’s in a Name”, the lead single off of Jeni Schapire’s upcoming EP, is a window into the story-rich lyricism and soulful vocals that frame fractured relationships, pressures to compromise, and questions of identity. “What’s in a Name” deals...

anya marina, queen of the night

anya marina, queen of the night

by: leigha stuiso A good album doesn’t always have to be a grand release that tries to pull out all the stops. Sticking to what works for an artist and being cohesive can lead to their best work. Anya Marina’s new album Queen of the Night is exactly that. It is a...

grand nathaniel, “wide-eyed”

grand nathaniel, “wide-eyed”

If you've been craving a music video/visualizer that is just as artsy as it is entertaining - trust us, those two qualities don't necessarily go hand-in-hand - then Grand Nathaniel has quite the treat for your Friday. The nineties-tinged "Wide-Eyed" echoes luscious...