the yawpers, human question
Denver-based rock trio The Yawpers – comprised of Nate Cook, Jesse Parmet, and Alex Koshak – released their new full-length Human Question on Friday, and we’ve been binging it like crazy. From the first, harsh chords of “Child of Mercy”, straight through the vintage edge of “Dancing on My Knees”, through to the end of the lighter feeling title track, The Yawpers have injected their quintessential oldies sound into each track, making it easier to transition from classic indie and rock into modern lyrical choices that seem to stem from the same origin.
While some of the songs are truly 60’d-infused kaleidoscopes (“Human Question”), it’s with songs like “Man As Ghost” and “Forgiveness Through Pain” that the Americana folk feel comes blazing at us full force. Our personal favorite is “Reason to Believe”, packed to the brim with soul.
What’s your favorite? Be sure to let us know on Facebook!
Keep up with The Yawpers here.