stay inside, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out
Poetic realism is the bread and butter to Brooklyn based band Stay Inside. With their words and artistry, they are able to speak of real issues not only discussed on the television, but also experienced first hand by the musicians themselves. Vocalist and guitar player Bartees Cox Jr. recounted an experience that he had on night as he was walking the streets back to his home:
A cop ran up on me one night when I was walking home – he thought I was somebody else. Things got heated and I couldn’t de-escalate the situation – we were totally alone and I thought I was going to die. I’m black, so when I’m out alone at night, I try to stay extra aware so I can avoid stuff like this, but this song is about how sometimes there’s not a lot you can do and how it’s terrifying. By the end, I’m begging for an apology – and moreso for people to acknowledge that the lasting impact of slavery and oppression is why these power dynamics exist.
Throughout the EP, nuances of subject aforementioned by Cox adorn the lyrics of their tracks. It is refreshing to have such artistry hit the stages that speak up for the minorities and do not allow for social norms to obstruct the difference between equality and injustice.
Keep up with Stay Inside here.