by ImperfectFifth | Feb 26, 2018 | soundtrack
Part of my writing process is listening to countless hours of music.. Here are some of the songs that inspired “Midnight“. This is the perfect soundtrack for your rainy days and late night drives, filled with songs that combine the best of lofi and r&b vibes.
A few of the songs included are by some of my close friends, like “I’m Sorry” by Swell (feat. Shiloh) & “simple things….” by idntrmmbr.
“Midnight” is available now. Keep up with Jordan Andrew here.
by Meredith Schneider | Feb 20, 2018 | soundtrack
Last year, I got the insane pleasure of hanging out with Austin-based rock outfit
The Cuckoos at SXSW. This year, they’re taking immense strides into the forefront of the industry, nabbing attention from some of the hottest music outlets in the world. Their brand of rock gives off this soulful, vintage vibe, while their style and attitudes reflect that same laid back comfort that has gone missing from so much of our modern music.
Don’t believe me? Check out their latest track “Heartbreak Paradise” below, then sidle on down to a playlist the quartet curated exclusively for Imperfect Fifth, which includes a look into their inspiration and taste. (Descriptions provided by Kenneth Frost.)
Heartbreak Paradise – The Cuckoos
Just a little shameless self promotion. This is our new song we just released on Valentine’s Day.
The Dude – Quincy Jones
This is just a funky, feel-good track with a little bit of rap, some horns, and Mr. Quincy Jones layin’ it down.
Uptown – Prince
I love the production of this record– Super funky and raw sounding. This song has some of my favorite lyrics as well.
Do I Make You Feel Shy? – Connan Mockasin
I’ve been listening to a lot of Connan Mockasin lately. I love the lyrics and the simplicity of this track. It’s very catchy and he always puts off such a watery, seductive vibe with his music which I really dig. It’s romantic.
Dinosaur Carebears – Ariel Pink
My favorite example of a song that makes you feel like you’re on drugs without actually being on them. It’s pretty much a 3-part psychedelic jam that goes into this weird ‘toy train from hell’ sounding bit before mellowing out into a pretty cosmic sounding groove.
Stay – Maurice Williams and The Zodiacs
It’s a lovey dovey old school tune with great falsetto vocals. It’s only about a minute and a half, so it makes you want to play it on repeat.
Redbone – Childish Gambino
This is probably my favorite track of 2017. Gambino made a dope funky 70s funkadelic Prince-y sounding pop song with some heart and it did really well. So not only do I dig the song, but I also feel like it was pretty ballsy and cool of him to do that style of music and also make it on to pop radio. It reminds me of the next few songs.
Do Me Baby – Prince
Another Prince tune. Super slow, super romantic. Great lyrics and dynamics. It has this bass pop that just gets me every time. Gambino did it in Redbone too. Both of those really influences TheCuckoos‘ song, Heartbreak Paradise.
I’d Rather Be With You – Bootsy Collins
A classic.
I Wanna Roll With You – Connan Mockasin
Another Connan song. The intro is genius and I love the backup vocals on this track.
Orange County Suite – The Doors
A kind of deep cut. Morrison wrote and recorded a version of himself singing and playing this song on piano before he passed. It wasn’t released until the remaining members of the doors recorded the instrumentals to the tracks. I found it on an old bootleg record, but I think they put it out with a deluxe L.A. Woman and on a compilation too. One of their most haunting songs and a personal favorite of mine.
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
Bass Line. Production. Music Video. Moonwalk.
Ego Tripping Out – Marvin Gaye
Marvin Gaye getting funky as hell and telling everybody why he’s the best.
Mary Jane – Rick James
Rick James was cool as shit. The clavinet at the end is gnarly.
China Girl – Iggy Pop
I love ‘The Idiot’. To me this track is just melancholy gothic post punky perfection. Iggy’s screams are godlike.
Something About That Woman – Lakeside
One of my favorite songs. The guitars, the bass, the synths, the vocals. Everything is so tight.
The Wedding List – Kate Bush
The first song from Kate Bush I heard. She’s one of my biggest influences and I love her music dearly.
True Blue – Dirty Beaches
Sounds like Dirty Beaches doing The Ronettes. I feel like I’ve really been influenced by Dirty Beaches’ vocal style.
A Little Bit Funky – The Cuckoos
Us again 😉 I feel like this was the first song of ours we got people to dance to and that makes me proud.
This Night Has Opened My Eyes – The Smiths
What’s there to say? The Smiths are cooler than cool. I like the moody stuff.
Little Dark Age – MGMT
Their new track and album are dope. I dig where they’re going with this new record and I’ve been listening to this a lot lately.
Keep On Lying – Tame Impala
Probably my favorite Tame Impala song. The guitars and keys just put you in a trance. They’re one of the reasons why I started making music.
Into The Groove – Madonna
Keyboard lick (ugh). How could you not dance? Just an all around banger from the moment you put it on.
When The Music’s Over – The Doors
Probably my favorite song of all time.
The Beautiful Ones – Prince
Probably my second favorite song of all time.
Decades – Joy Division
Probably my third favorite song of all time.
Keep up with The Cuckoos
by ImperfectFifth | Feb 15, 2018 | soundtrack
As much as I do believe there are several wonderful things about winter, I have come to the conclusion that it is time to wrap it up. Let’s just fast forward to summer. Here are some songs that will make you want to cruise in a convertible with the top down on a sunny day. They also are songs that have been inspiring me to write some of the music that I will be releasing this summer.
1. Stepping Stone by John Splithoff
2. Beach Side by Kings of Leon
3. Tequila by Dan+Shay
4. Hawaiian Air by Friendly Fires
5. California by U2
6. Shock of the Lightning by Oasis
7. Girlfriend by Anderson East
8. Red Flag Day by U2
9. I Want To Go Surfing by The Drums
10. Holy Mountain by Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds
11. Higher Higher by Justin Timberlake
12. Sit Next to Me by Foster The People
Keep up with Matt Taelor here.
by Meredith Schneider | Feb 14, 2018 | soundtrack
Los Angeles native Aaron David Gleason has officially released his latest – a full length titled Wry Observer – and we’re absolutely smitten. And we shouldn’t be surprised by his chops, as he is the son of Tony-winner Joanna Gleason and Let’s Make a Deal co-creator Monty Hall. His vocals somehow set smooth-as-honey, though they’re laced with a little bit of raw edge. Well-written and composed, the album itself is an actual joy to listen to. So check it out, but only after you check the playlist Aaron curated exclusively for Imperfect Fifth, full to the brim with funk and vim and vigor!
For a Funky Time, Please Call…
1. I’m Glad You’re Mine–Al Green
Well, I honestly don’t know of a smoother, more dastardly funky song. Al Green is one of the most innovative and impish artists of all time. Those drums are Al Jackson Jr. and he is a wicked sorcerer.
2. It’s Your Thing–The Isley Brothers
Can you sing this high up? I can’t. I try. It’s one of my vocal warm up songs. I’m still trying. Anyway, this tune is such a rave up, I adore it.
3. Poor Boy–Nick Drake
Can you be funky whilst being a true English gentleman? Of course, and Nick Drake did it as well as anyone. Orchestration by Robert Kirby made this song lift off the ground.
4. Soul Love–David Bowie
What a sneaky song this is; from the quasi Latin beat of the verse to the explosion of Mick Ronson on the choruses. Bowie mastered soft/loud/soft far before it became a thing. Top it off with a sax solo that sax players scoff at and dreamers love to dream to. Bowie knew culture and song were a mix of high and low art, and to do it all at once, well that’s out of this world.
5. Chain Of Fools–Aretha Franklin
The Queen of Soul had a golden period where she dug into Blues and Soul. This was another song written originally for Otis Redding. Man, he was a graceful guy, because Aretha often took his songs and did them to the 9s…I’m sure he was all about it 😉
6. This is Radio Clash–The Clash
The Clash had the most devastating rhythm section. Then came the mixing of dub style echoes and loops with bursting vocals. It’s no wonder they were the biggest true Punk band of all time. They basically made a Punk version of World Music–that territory is truly their own.
7. I’m a Greedy Man–James Brown
James Brown and Bobby Byrd spent so much time riffing together that they developed a mind meld. I’m SURE they could go in with three lyrics to a song and make an epic. That’s what is happening here. Check the moment when Brown talks about each member of the band and finally focuses on Byrd. “Talkin about YOU,” he implores on a very rare moment of heart felt camaraderie that wasn’t overshadowed by showmanship.
8. Kid About it–Elvis Costello
This song is about John Lennon. It’s opaque and mystical. And when you can have a song that doesn’t quite make sense and yet it hits you with tremendous poignancy, well then you have a great song. It’s also low-key funky, as the kids are saying. Yes, you can be funky in 3.
9. Someday Baby–Bob Dylan
Dylan is the king of rejiggering verses to fit his lyrics. So a 12-bar blues doesn’t stand a chance in front of HIS firing squad. Good luck Structure! Love this tune.
10. Coming Up–Paul McCartney
Paul is one of the best Bass players of all time– I don’t care what Quincy Jones says. Here is Paul, probably higher than a Georgia Pine, making a fun larkish tune.
11. Meat City–John Lennon
But if John wanted to up Mac, he usually did. What can I say, volatility has some benefits for maestros.
12. Theme From Blackbyrds–The Black Exotics
I can’t find any information on this band. That being said, this song has remained on my favorites list for 10 years and will be forever.
Keep up with Aaron David Gleason here.
by ImperfectFifth | Feb 14, 2018 | soundtrack
This playlist is for those of you who are totally feelin’ it. Whether you’re in a relationship, happily single, celebrating with your closest friends, or otherwise, today is a day to CELEBRATE LOVE AROUND THE WORLD! So check out our new playlist featuring some of your favs, and check back all day for more additions to it!
by Kayla Hutton | Feb 14, 2018 | soundtrack
Whether you’re all for Valentine’s Day, or you think it’s just a worthless holiday the greeting card companies made up to absorb your daily income, we’ve got the music for you here at Imperfect Fifth. But we’ve got a bonus… Staff Writer Kayla Hutton has provided us her very own playlists dedicated to everyone during this insane and short month. Admits Kayla of the curations, “Music for any mood, any reason, any season. I dug up the coolest of the obscure.” Check out the tracks below, a playlist dedicated to all the lovers, and one to the skeptics.
by Meredith Schneider | Jan 12, 2018 | soundtrack
Arkansas-bred and classically trained opera singer Bonnie Montgomery has mastered the country sound that so many have tried to. And though she may not have released some new tunes for a couple of years now, she’s hitting 2018 full force. Since 2014’s self-titled full-length, she has been crafting her sound and touring with some of the most prominent names in country and americana right now. And in February, the next chapter of it all begins with the release of her new album Forever.
So while we’ve got that on your radar, Bonnie has crafted a really interesting – and very fun – playlist especially for us. So check out what she has to say below, and perhaps let her control your productivity for a while.
This list a mirror of my new concept album and the things, like Willie Nelson, that inspired it. It’s meant for blasting on a drive in far west Texas, volume up and top down.
Keep up with Bonnie via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and her website.
by Meredith Schneider | Jan 2, 2018 | soundtrack
As we patiently (not so patiently) await the release of americana/rock/country artist Dom Wier‘s energetic new four track EP titled New Waters to properly celebrate the new year, we’ve actually got a fun little playlist to share with you. Curated by the man himself, it is full to the brim of beauty and inspiration from some of the most incredible musicians of all time. So settle in, and enjoy some of the finer things as you stay as comfy cozy as you can! (Indoors, hopefully.)
I’ve always been fascinated with songwriting. A great song is a great song no matter the genre, as they say. Here are some songs that have cut straight to the core for me. Things I listened to growing up, some new jams from some awesome tunesmiths and maybe a guilty pleasure or two.
New Waters is out January 19th. Keep up with Dom Wier on Facebook, Instagram, and at