by Meredith Schneider | Jul 12, 2021 | singles, soundtrack
For years now, we have been bringing you the best and most invigorating new music each month in a playlist of sorts. Our soundtrack features are perfect to pull from when your friends ask you for new music suggestions, or when you want to surprise and delight guests at functions you may be hosting or planning. Though the pandemic put a lot of gathering on pause – and continues to, as new shutdowns are announced with a round of variants – we found such strength in submissions this month. These songs are perfect to make you feel more connected to the world, no matter the circumstance.
We’ve got a range of tracks this month from artists like Charlie Parr, Young Mister, Zero Trust, Santana, CHVRCHES, and more. So dive in – like you’re cannonballing with wreckless abandon into warm waters. We’ve got you.
by ImperfectFifth | Jun 3, 2021 | soundtrack, videos, wolf tracks
June has been a whirlwind of a month already. With new releases coming at us hot every day – there are over 600 music releases slated for Friday, and that’s just what we know of – we have hardly had time to blink. And that makes us happy, if you’re actually wondering. So here’s to the artists and their never-ending inspiration. And here’s to the people who make things happen. Check out some of our favorites released this month below and don’t forget… Happy PRIDE, everyone!
by Meredith Schneider | May 7, 2021 | singles, soundtrack
The outside world is getting more vivid, as more people get vaccinated and the days get longer, summer quickly approaching. Take this time to get outside, get grounded, and love on yourself a little bit. But in the in-between, feel free to play our May soundtrack in the background of whateverthehell you’re spending your time on and with these days. We promise you’ll find some gems to add to your personal collection, and there might be some fun ones built-in for your next vacation playlist! š
by ImperfectFifth | Apr 14, 2021 | soundtrack, videos
April has been a whirlwind. For most of us, energy seems to have drained itself from our existence slowly and without consent. But that’s what spring does. It awakens us to more social experiences, allows us some more outdoor time and gives us more things to get exhausted by. As people have been receiving their vaccines, more opportunities have been opening up, and more people are realizing how much their energy plays a part in life.
So, whether you’ve been drained by the month’s festivities or you’re simply looking for more tracks to party to, we have gathered some whimsical, fun, and energetic videos to rev you back up and into a good space. Peep the magic below.
by Meredith Schneider | Apr 13, 2021 | singles, soundtrack, wolf tracks
April is normally one of our favorite months of the year. Springtime is really kicking into high gear, it’s kitten season, it’s my birthday… This year is truly no exception, however obstacle after obstacle has been throwing itself into our realm. So, let’s take some time to relax with new releases from April 2021. Featuring music from REI AMI, Last Minte, Zuli Jr., and more, we will be adding new artists on a daily basis throughout the rest of the month. Check back frequently, and let us know what artists YOU love!
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 4, 2021 | singles, soundtrack
Prince on repeat. This Women’s Month, we’re celebrating women every weeknight over on our Instagram page with our friends over at Cat Call. And right here? We’re continuing to celebrate our favorite new music, with a whole new lineup for March. Check out our playlist below, updated at least weekly throughout the month of March. Re-visit all month for new additions, and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for SXSW coverage!
by ImperfectFifth | Feb 3, 2021 | singles, soundtrack
Buckle up as I take you on a ride through the influences that inspired my upcoming record “Ride On Through”. I curated a playlist that includes, jump blues, soul, 50’s rock ‘n’ roll, country, punk and it all somehow makes sense. Some artists are current and some long gone.
by ImperfectFifth | Feb 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
Today, Punxsutawny Phil told us we have 6 more weeks of winter. So, we had to put him at the helm of the piece. Because, you know, his shadow determines how cold we are. Right, east coast? (Who is in the ALWAYS COLD CLUB aside from me?) The Joan Baez lyrics that were chosen for the title of this piece kind of tell it like it is. We don’t mind, though. we’re just going to keep spinning brand new music and be as thrilled as possible with it.
Check out new songs throughout the month at the playlist below. Everything is new, everything is awesome. (Holy hell PLEASE listen to the playlist now, so that the last sentence isn’t stuck in your head all day like it is in mine?)
by ImperfectFifth | Feb 1, 2021 | singles, soundtrack
IĀ remember driving old back roads in Indiana listening to these songs. I used to steal all these mixes from my older brothers friends, and I listened to them so much I remember where the skips used to be. These are songs that made up my youth. I hope they give you that old feeling I had of being invisible and lost in the best way.