by Meredith Schneider | Jun 24, 2019 | singles, videos, wolf tracks
Last week, indie musician Skela released a music video alongside her track titled “Elvis”. With soft light and a gorgeous color palette, the video leads us on a journey with the singer, through sprawling landscapes and simple, natural backdrops. Her dusty, captivating vocals lead the track, allowing a visual moment for the viewer/listener to breathe deeply, and truly enjoy the coming of summer.
Check it out below.
Keep up with Skela here.
by Meredith Schneider | Sep 5, 2018 | singles, wolf tracks
Looking for a soundscape to give you a break from sticky sweet pop records for a hot second? Craving a voice that is far-reaching, robust, and has just a hint of a scratch to it? Queens-based indie artist Skela is giving us just enough of that uptempo, catchy beat underneath her gorgeous, tranquil vocals with her track “What’s Wrong With Me” and its corresponding, brilliant lyric video. Her vibrant personality comes alive in the visual, the accompanying artistic aspects give it the quirk and rebellion we were hoping for.
So “What’s Wrong With Me”? We’re struggling to figure that out as well (Nothing. There’s nothing wrong with any of this.)
Keep up with Skela here.