by Meredith Schneider | Apr 2, 2018 | 5 to 7, snapshot, visual
David Rosales was waiting for me on a street corner in Austin when I meandered up to him for the second time that day. In fact, he had been waiting patiently as some of my other interviews ran late, his back certainly weighing heavy with his luggage and guitar strapped on him and sitting next to him. Despite the 88 degree weather – and what should have been the most aggravating conditions – he brought with him a sense of ease and a feeling of calm that I hadn’t felt yet on 6th Street during SXSW 2018. He was kind, and ready to chat freely about his SX experience, his musical journey, and everything in between.
Let’s do this. I know – get your stuff situated, or hold it on your back the whole time, that’s fine too.
David: I’m sweating. I’m not used to this. I’m used to California.
Right? OK, so speaking of, how long have you been out here for South By? When did you get in town?
David: A couple days ago I got in on a Greyhound from Dallas. I flew to Dallas and then took a Greyhound down here with like my guitar on my lap, you know, because I didn’t want it to sit underneath with luggage and didn’t want it to sit in the overhead. Cause it’s not like a plane, you know, it’s a bus…
That’s scary.
David: So I’m sitting there with like a book in one hand and a guitar in the other, cramped up, you know, I’m six foot one so it’s uncomfortable. Those Greyhounds are kind of small. But, yeah, I know, it sounds like the beginning of a song. I think it’s got a song in there somewhere. I got into Austin on a Greyhound. And it was late, it was like three hours late, so…
Meredith: So everything was going correctly?
David: You just need to be mellow when you’re touring. You’ve just to realize that, you know, you just got to flex and flow. You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.
Did you come into the industry with that thought process or did it take a while for you?
David: I don’t know, I guess I’ve been in the “industry” for a long time. I was in a hard rock band for like ten years. I was in garage bands before that through high school, junior high and stuff. Just growing up in L.A., it’s a big market. So I did the whole Sunset thing and touring around the country on an indie label. Then at about thirty, my band kind of dissolved at that time and I had written this EP that was just because I had a baby coming and I went from writing songs about death, and just rock themes, dark and stuff like that. I went in the studio and started writing some about love and stuff I wasn’t really comfortable with before. And when my band dissolved, I was like “well might as well follow this because it is the only thing I have”.
It wasn’t meant for anybody and it was this first EP that I released called Smile. I just went with it because it was the only thing I had. I didn’t have my band anymore and I just had these songs and I just started playing them, people were digging them, buying them. I sing with a girl named Olivia and we kind of did our thing and then we came out with an EP, the duet EP. We were Dave and Olivia for a bit. I did another solo EP called Along the Way that came out in ’14. I’ve just kind of been playing a ton of gigs and stuff since then, writing this new material, recording it, and getting the cash flow up to come out and do something proper with it.
This album we have coming up called Brave Ones is the culmination of all that. It’s eleven songs of love, loss, despair, triumph, you know, everything that’s kind of like the human experience. It’s a lot of relatable stuff. It’s crazy looking at myself as this thirteen year old skateboarder that would jump off rooftops into pools and stuff like that with my garage band and go to like, where I am now. Music’s always been there for me, but it’s changed and it’s grown as humans do. We’re not the same people we were when we were thirteen…
David: Or even eighteen…
Yeah we are!! (laughs)
David: (laughs) So it’s like, that’s the beauty of life, is kind of accepting those changes and stuff, and just kind of walking kind of gracefully. Fortunately for me, this kind of step that happened six years ago just kind of came at the right time and you just kind of flex and flow with it.
So with your new work, how can you imagine someone listening to it in its’ entirety? With a glass of Scotch sitting by a fire Anchorman style, out with their friends, is there an atmosphere you want to create with this?
David: It’s crazy to picture anybody listening to a complete album anymore…
I know, but I do it. I still do it!
David: That’s why we write these albums and that’s why I am, like, going over and over and over sequencing the songs, because I believe in it. I believe in the story that I’m telling. I believe in a whole vibe of an album. My album’s very round. It has a beginning and it has an end. It has arcs and stuff of a story and it kind of follows this path. I’m a student of songwriting completely so I love the whole story telling. I read Stephen King “On Writing”. I read great writers, I’m a student of it so what do I picture?
I picture somebody driving. It’s kind of like driving music. I think it’s somebody who could be cruising. Maybe like on the 101 in California, or just a long distance where they have…they can just kind of…Did you ever start a drive and you, “OK, I got to my location but I don’t really remember too much of the in between. I was vibing on it, but I just got here.” I want to take people away. I want to have them kind of look at – and relate to – what I’m writing. I think that I’m writing about relatable human experiences.
That’s the great thing about songwriters. Songwriters are, we’re just like you or somebody else that maybe doesn’t play music or something like that, but we just kind of recognize these mundane human experiences. These day to day things and we kind of put them in a song so that you go “Oh I had that same experience” or “I can relate to that” or “I can vibe on that”.
Absolutely. Here’s a quick, off the cuff, question: What’s been your favorite food at South By?
David: I’m staying with my cousins, so my cousin’s chorizo. She makes it like my mom where it’s not too greasy.
Dammit. Makes us all jealous. I’m going to tell people his favorite thing in Austin is this, but you can’t have it, sorry.
David: I really haven’t eaten too much food – I’ve been drinking a ton here. I’ve been kind of hydrating, that’s what I’m doing. Hydrating. So I haven’t been eating a ton of food when I’m playing gigs. It’s tough to eat and play and talk to people, so it kind of gets lost. I’m one of those people where I forget to eat, just in general. I run a lot and I’m almost forced to eat, so that kind of keeps me eating. I forget because I’m just so busy. It’s tough. So being a dad, running, my wife, just everything, I think about myself last in a way because everybody else comes before me.
Meredith: You’ve performed already at South By clearly, you’ve been here a little bit…
David: I’ve done three shows and done some interviews and press and stuff like that and I have two more shows tomorrow. We’re playing at the Westin Rooftop on the 20th floor for Chive TV at 1pm, and then an hour later at 87 Rainey Street.
Meredith: That’s a quick turnaround! You sound fancy!
David: I don’t know if I’m fancy. But I love it!
Keep up with the wonderful David Rosales and his intricate and beautiful musical path here.
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 30, 2018 | 5 to 7
On Friday, March 16th, we met up with the incredibly talented Whitney Fenimore (That’s right – the one from The Voice.) to talk all things SXSW in the middle of 6th St. at SXSW. Her bubbly personality overtook the interview, and we fast found ourselves yearning to be her best friend.
But alas, not all pipe dreams come true. One thing is for sure… she is one to really look out for. We feel some big things coming.
Keep up with Whitney here.
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 27, 2018 | snapshot, visual
On Thursday, March 22nd, Courtship. played for a pretty packed room at The recordBar in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Their second time to hit the stage in KC in months, they maneuvered their way around their set like old pros, even beat boxing for us when there were some technical issues. It was a fun evening, and here are some photos that captured that fun.
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 26, 2018 | premieres, videos, wolf tracks
Having come a long way from its humble beginnings, current Brooklynite Phil & The Osophers – a solo project spearheaded by multi-instrumentalist Philip Radiotes, often rounded out by drummer Kevin Estrada and bassist Gus Iversen – has found his stride over the past few years. His latest – a track titled “Third Wold American” – is no exception. Taking advantage of an upbeat soundscape to layer in new instruments from the beginning, the listener can find a stark contrast in the tempo of the track verses the lyrics, which are dripping with dissatisfaction. For good reason, too.
Says the band about the track:
“Third World American” is a song that captures a decline in American culture, a decline now sharpened but born long before us. The feeling that we are foreign even at home, that a diversity of values are not welcomed, or even understood. That our hearts are orphaned, alienated by power and, because of this, beat out of tempo with the true rhythm of the world. And it is a song that puts hope solely in exactly these marginalized peoples to lead the way to change.
We’ve got the exclusive premiere of the official lyric video for “Third World American”, a video that plays with the contrast of black and white the way it plays with contrast of sound and meaning. Check it out below!
Keep up with Phil & The Osophers here.
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 26, 2018 | 5 to 7, snapshot, visual
On a balmy 88 degree day, with direct sunlight beating down on us, the ever-extraordinary Elle Exxe sat down to do a quick interview and portrait session with us. You can check out the interview and a few of our favorite shots from that day below!
Keep up with Elle Exxe here.
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 23, 2018 | snapshot, visual
On Friday, March 16th, we caught up with the guys from Marmalakes on the streets of Austin, Texas during the SXSW madness to take some photos and do a fun little interview. Check out some of the photos below, interview to come!
Keep up with the band here.
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 23, 2018 | 5 to 7
DC-based quartet BRNDA is hitting the ground running, almost literally. While the band is on tour, they’re also set to release their new full-length – a collection titled Thanks For Playing – on March 30th. The preorder includes an instant download of two already available tracks – “House Show” and “Five Dollar Shake” – which just so happen to be perfect for this warmup our country is (hopefully) starting to experience for spring.
Despite the madness in their lives currently with the new release, the band sat down to chat briefly about the album, displaying their dry humor along the way for our eager ears. Check out our words below!
Each of you are important assets to the band. How did each of you get into music?
Actually, we’re not that into music. What we like is podcasts.
Fair response. Thanks for Playing is your third release. What makes this album different from the previous ones?
We haven’t released a record since 2015. This is our first time releasing a record in 2018. This is our first third release. This is the first time Christian has ever played bass on a BRNDA record – he is our bassist. This is the first record featuring a song where Leah sings lead. This is the first record we partially recorded at Alex’s house in Mt. Rainier. This is the first record featuring Dave soloing with guitar feedback. This is the shortest record we’ve ever made. We also worked with a different group of people this time, they are mentioned later in the interview so we won’t mention them just now.
What has been the biggest accomplishment that has come from Thanks for Playing?
Our greatest accomplishment of this record has been the collaboration with other cool people. Thomas William Rossi (Reyna Valencia) recorded it at lurch studios in DC; Justin Wm. Moyer (of so many of our favorite bands… Edie Sedgwick, Light Beams, Puff Pieces, Antelope, etc etc) mixed the record; TJ Lipple of Inner Ear mastered it. Christian’s sister Hadley Whittle painted the piece that is the cover art. Adam and Blake from Banana Tapes are putting it out. The National Film Board of Canadian Industry provided the footage for our recent music video for House Show. You’re writing about it. You’re reading about it. We’re collaborating.
What was the best part about developing the album?
Probably downloading the Adobe Creative Suite 10-day trial multiple times on multiple computers in order to create the album art j-card. We’re grateful for their love and support and collaboration.
We feel that! (Currently working on a trial of Lightroom.) You are out on tour right now. What sort of different experiences have you all had since being on the road?
Being on the road has a way of expanding your family. We kicked it with some truly wonderful people on this tour. We’ve been touring with Poppies, our forever buds from new York. We played the Community Records 10th anniversary celebration in New Orleans, a very special night in a very special town. We also played Mammal Gallery’s temporary location in this gorgeous former department store and shared the bill with 3 Great Bands (Breathers, Sad Fish, True Blossom). Touring around SXSW is like jumping into a giant vortex of favorite bands and friends that converges on Austin. We played three wonderful showcases. Dave saw Shopping and had a religious experience. All in all very good things and times.
What plans do you have after you wrap the tour?
Do laundry, vacuum the van, celebrate Torrey’s birthday, play our tape release show on March 29th, attend the melted mag release show at bathtub republic on March 31st, and then collaborate on some new songs.
Where do you see yourself as a band in the next 5 years?
Probably on tour.
Preorder your copy of Thanks For Playing here and Keep up with BRNDA here.
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 16, 2018 | show review, snapshot, visual
On one of the most gorgeous nights of 2018 so far, Thursday, March 15th, P!nk regaled a massive crowd at Sprint Center in the heart of downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Bursting into the room in her signature aerial acrobatic harness, she came swinging in from a chandelier to “Get This Party Started”, as if there were any better way to make a grand entrance. Decked out in so much glitter the audience probably should have been wearing sunglasses, she bounced right into “Beautiful Trauma” and then a little throwback rendition of “Just Like a Pill” for the loyal fans who have been around to enjoy her incredible career for the last two decades. There were a lot of them, as the event itself sold out so quickly that the arena had to open more seats on the side to accommodate her midwest fanbase.
Which is really no surprise, as this woman has been setting the world on fire – literally and figuratively, if you count the pyrotechnics during “Just Like Fire” – since she started back in the last 90s. With a flare for the most athletic endeavors, her stage performance has taken a turn from upbeat pop maneuvers, to an intense and beautifully artful experience, replete with Cirque du Soleil-style acrobatics and bright, fun pops of color amidst glitter for days. Slowing it down for a soulful rendition of “Barbies” and “I Am Here” brought the crowd to their feet, belting out the lyrics with a fiery passion we haven’t witnessed at another show in quite some time. But not all the magic was found in the lyrics, though so relatable in so many ways.
But if ever our hearts stopped during a cover of “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, this was it. Dressed in a more grunged up look, the crowd went wild with her slightly more soulful vocals layered over those unmistakable guitar riffs and edgy flare.
P!nk incorporated her moving and incredibly heroic 2017 MTV VMAs acceptance speech into her set, bringing faces of every color, race, and ethnicity to the forefront in a little video that played while she was changing outfits. But the message hit very close to home, as we continue to deal with issues of sexism, racism, and other types of hatred. P!nk’s message is just as resounding as in tracks like “What About Us?” where she seems to call out people in power with her questioning, much like she did in 2011’s “Dear Mr. President”. And though she didn’t get to sing that song in particular, her rally cry could probably be heard for miles while thousands of women joined her in powerful, captivating song.
I personally got to enjoy the show with my mother and my sister, both of whom I have gone with to see P!nk’s previous shows. I will say it once and then say it a million times after, this woman knows how to impress. Not even for the sake of others, but you can tell she does this to prove everything to herself and to pave the way for other dreamers, which leaves little room to be disappointed in the work she does. We even got a treat this time, as the last show she came through held no encore goodness – Though, really, who is complaining? – with an exciting, Tinker Bell-esque performance of “So What” and “Glitter In The Air” before she disappeared into the night, most likely to get into a cuddle puddle with her adorable traveling family.
Keep up with P!nk here, and make sure to check out her Beautiful Trauma tour in a city near you!
by ImperfectFifth | Mar 13, 2018 | 5 to 7, premieres, wolf tracks
Having just released their brand new album Strange Times this morning, Los Angeles-based psych pop trio Hollow FortyFives – comprised of Lucas Renberg, Brett Incardone, and Travis Corsaut – is revving up to play their album release party tonight at The Troubadour. Which means they have absolutely no time to bask in the glow of their work and treasure the audience response, as they’re focused on what’s to come with the entirety of the week still to unfold.
Luckily, we got a hot minute to catch up with them to find out the inspiration behind their work as a whole, the album you’re probably about to listen to on repeat, as well as to poke and prod them with silly little questions that give us peace of mind. Check out our words below!
What was your first musical memory? Did it have any bearing on how you respond to or create music now?
Lucas: Listening to a Beatles cassette that my Uncle had made for me. Then seeing some footage of The Who play live, after that i knew i had to play music.
Brett: Driving in my dad’s car and asking him who the band was on the radio. Also, asking my brother which instrument was playing and him teaching me the different sounds.
Travis: Being taught to play the guitar by my uncle. I quickly gave up and when I got a drum set 5 years later was forced into lessons. I really grew to love it.
Where do you believe you pull the most inspiration from for your work?
Lucas: A big chuck of it comes from the music I listen to and care about, My two favorite songwriters are John Lennon and Bob Dylan. The rest i would have to say come from the way I see the world. Anything can spark a song.
Brett: My biggest inspiration for lyrics would be the people I’m surrounded by whether it be friends, family, or even strangers. For music, simply, it can be bands I like, a riff I hear, or something that just grabs my attention.
Travis: I’d have to say that Lucas and Brett are my biggest inspirations in writing.
What inspired the track “Return Ticket” specifically?
Lucas: “Return Ticket” came about from the feeling of wanting to leave and get away. I live in this paradise that is California, but it’s a huge world out there. Always nice to take a look around, and no need to fear when you have a return ticket back home.
Your album is finally coming out, and we are so excited about it. What was the process for creating this album like for you guys?
Lucas: It was great writing the album and giving these songs the treatment they deserve. As a band it was our first time not recording ourselves, which was a whole new experience itself. We didn’t have to worry about mic placement or levels, we could focus on just playing the songs. And that really helped us grow as a band.
Brett: The process was very fun and smooth. The creative process was an absolute blast to be a part of and recording the album was a lot how I had hoped it would be: lots of late nights, laughs with my band mates, and excitement for being in a professional setting.
Travis: It was eye opening creating this album. The most important part for me was seeing how the songs had grown into something we’re all really proud to show you.
How do you imagine people listening to this release in its entirety?
Lucas: In a smokey room, either laying on a carpet floor or dancing away as the music flows out the speakers.
Brett: Driving in a car on a nice, sunny day, windows down with a cigarette in your hand.
Travis: When you listen to this song, I want you driving to Joshua tree in the rain with one hand out the window. If your friends are awake belt it with them and if they’re asleep wake them up by belting it. Noise is for the boys.
If you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
Lucas: As a kid i was obsessed with Robin. So it would have to be Robin! He’s got the bat bike and is the only one I know who can question Batman.
Brett: Spiderman because he’s been my favorite since I was a kid, I’ve always loved Spiderman stories, and no matter how tough his life gets he always finds a way to overcome his struggles. Besides, who wouldn’t want to swing from skyscrapers?
Travis: Captain Planet, let’s strive to always improve this world guys.
If you could collaborate with any artist on any medium, who would you choose and what would you make?
Lucas: I’d love to be able to do a split single with my favorite current musician Tim Presley of White Fence.
Brett: Co-writing an album with Jeff Tweedy at the Wilco loft. It would be the craziest thing ever.
Travis: I want to do covers of the Barenaked Ladies with the ghost of Buddy Holly.
Cats or dogs? Substantiate your claim.
Lucas: Dogs who act like cats and cats who act like dogs. Best of both worlds.
Brett: Dogs. I had a cat once when I was a child, but she was a demon. Now I’m not saying all cats are evil, but I have a dog now and he is an absolute angel.
Travis: Cats AND dogs, lil cuties are a damn blessing.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Lucas: Keep living life between the headphones.
Brett: Tip your bartender.
Strange Times is out today and will be available here. Be sure to catch them at their album release show TONIGHT and keep up with the band here.