by Madison Blom | Apr 17, 2018 | singles, wolf tracks
Deepening their roots in the Chicago, Illinois music scene, two piece rock outfit Arthhur has brought their a-game with their newest single release, “Come Meet the Opposite Committee,” off their album of the same name. Along with having every component that composes a successful song, the underlying meaning behind the lyrics brings an all new wave of depth and social importance. Combined with their stellar beats and rhythms, Arthhur speaks up for those who deal with obsessive compulsive disorder as well as anxiety through his many musical movements and detailed lyrical presence. Throughout the track, the music is often punctuated with sudden loud releases of talent and excitement.
In what they consider, “a labor of love,” Arthhur built the new ten track album from the ground up and have come out with a masterpiece that is bound to get some traction throughout the music community. Songs like “Sheffield & Armitage” and “Katalog” are comforting in their existence, while tracks like “Character Death” and “Oral Anxiety Exam” are intriguing simply because of their titles, and continue to captivate the listener throughout. Each track is beautifully written, with lyricism tactics to combat the rest. In the future, fans can expect more art from this group that is equally as powerful and meaningful as Come Meet the Opposite Committee.
Come Meet the Opposite Committee is available now.
**co-written by Meredith Schneider
by Meredith Schneider | Apr 16, 2018 | albums, review
Fresh off the presses, Jaunt‘s new 5-track EP Cue is ready for your waiting ears. Launched on Friday the 13th, there’s nothing spooky about this release, though it does play with dissonance and ambient sounds to bring you into a whole different soundscape than what you might be used to. While first track “Machined” feels like a slight machine interaction – small noises that lend themselves to its overall 70s-inspired feel -,second track “Best Case” continues at a slow tempo, the occasional guitar riff lending itself to a far more groovy sound.
“Intimate Sunset” exists in a soundscape similar to what the title infers. Beachy vibes almost drop from the speakers, and we’re already feeling like we’re on a much needed vacation. “Faster Interactions” is chill, groovy and psychedelic. With the use of a keyboard organ, soft high pitched vocals, and a variety of electronic sounds “Faster Interactions” stays true to its name. The video for “Faster Interactions” also really displays the band’s creativity with a psychedelic feel of fast paced iridescent lights and unexpected visuals.
Of “Faster Interactions” Jaunt says:
“Faster Interactions” is probably our zaniest track to date! It was one of the first written for Cue, but also took the longest to complete. We quickly knew that it would be a single, and playing it repeatedly live has helped us finesse it’s nuances. Caitlin and Eliza really helped bring a new energy and dynamic, ultimately making the song more joyous. We’re also trying very hard to bring back the sound of cheap keyboard orchestra hits in pop music.
They round out the magic with “Cued”, a slower track with more of a vibey, enchanting sound to it all. It’s the perfect bookend to what we have just experienced, and we’re enthralled enough to hear more.
Keep up with Jaunt here.
by Meredith Schneider | Apr 13, 2018 | videos, wolf tracks
Self-proclaimed indie “space” rock duo Neverthere – comprised of Andrew Sclafani and Robert Ragosta – is hitting the ground running with the cinematic new music video for their single “Labs”. While raspy vocals encase the listener in this rich, indulgent sound, the video takes you through what looks to be a couple’s pretty insane romantic journey. What pulled the man in? What happened during the course of it all? What are they fighting about? And why did he just wake up on a beach alone?
Figure it all out during the course of the 3:36 video right now!
EP1 is out now. Keep up with Neverthere here. (If they’re ever there. HA!)
by Meredith Schneider | Apr 4, 2018 | singles, wolf tracks
With crashing drums and a high energy kickoff, five piece indie pop collective The Indigo Project – comprised of Joe Spink, Tony Francis, Alex Crow, Oliver Barry, and Jack Manktelow – releases their new track “As Always”. With a soundscape similar to some of our 2000s pop punk favorites, the track’s tempo changes several times, keeping its listener on their toes and anticipating the coming lines. Singing with a very debonair Leeds-specific vocalization, we’re enthralled by the band themselves and find ourselves looking forward to what’s to come.
Keep up with The Indigo Project here.
by Meredith Schneider | Apr 4, 2018 | 5 to 7
On March 16th, The Jacks came strolling into our lives like old, familiar friends on the street. We were set to meet them at 6th and San Jacinto in downtown Austin, right outside of San Jac Saloon. We knew we were looking for four musicians – Johnny Stanback, Thomas Hunter, Scott Stone, and Josh Roossin make up this collaborative indie quartet – but we didn’t realize just HOW rock n’ roll the experience would be.
For example, Scott made it to the corner several minutes before the rest of them came meandering up, but every single one of them was donning dark wash jeans and black shirts, often layered with a black jacket. But let me put this into context for you: It was 88 degrees outside.
But that’s just how these guys handle it. They deal with the heat. They’re comfortable in tight spaces together, and they’re excited about expanding their reach and their audience, bringing their music to the masses. So let me leave you with a sweet little ditty by them, and the transcription of our time together in interview form!
Introduce yourselves please. Tell me your name and what you do with the band.
Johnny: We’re The Jack’s. I’m Johnny, and I sing and play guitar, rhythm.
Tom: I’m Tom Hunter and I play lead guitar.
Josh: I’m Josh and I play drums.
Scott: I’m Scott Stone and I play lead bass guitar.
And mother. We hear you’re mother of the band.
Scott: Yes, Momager.
I guess that is because of the fact that he was on time and we were already late.
He’s like ‘hey it’s me – the band’. So guys, how’s South By been for you? Is it your first South By?
Yeah. We got in Monday night… So we’ve been here for three full days now, three and a half. We’re headed off to Dallas tonight… Very excited. That will be a great crowd. We played two [shows] at South By and we’re playing one in Dallas, then heading back.
Awesome. That’s good – pace it a little bit. What have you guys seen here that you liked?
Lots of awesome fans. Lots of great food too. We just had breakfast at Moonshine and it was unreal. You learn not to use Yelp, you ask people. All our local Austin friends gave us good food suggestions.
What was your favorite aspect of South by Southwest as a band?
Both shows we played were really awesome, we had a great time. Obviously, it’s just hanging out, we have a lot of friends here performing, bands that we’ve played with before. It’s so good to see them and see how well they do and spend time. It’s just an amazing environment – it’s all artists and a great time. It’s like adult summer camp!
I like that! That metaphor makes sense! What’s coming up next that you want to tell people about?
Our next show is March 27th at the Peppermint Club in L.A. We’re excited about that one. Then we booked a Pacific Northwest tour for the end of May we’re really excited about. What else… We play Brick and Mortar in San Francisco on the 23rd of May… All the way up to Portland and Seattle so far. That’s what we have in store for the next month or two. And obviously a bunch of great new music hopefully coming.
It’s not up to us anymore, but we get to release it, hopefully in October… We recorded a new single, got a new music video for that.. Hopefully tour on that in the fall.
Fingers crossed it all pans out! Alright, you guys have really committed to the dark jeans, the boots, how are you faring today, although the weather has changed slightly and it’s at least breezy?
We took them off…the day was a little long…yeah…
Here’s a question I have – aesthetically, you guys tend to go toward the black and the jeans, how’s that going to happen when you’re in Florida? (laughter)
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it .. We haven’t had that issue…Maybe Mexico? The Jack’s booty shorts… Make that our summer line.
How do you guys calm down or pump up before a show? Do you get nervous or do you have to rev yourself up?
It depends on the show. Like the Troubadour, the one we did that sold out – that was obviously a big one for us. It’s just kind of like we’re just so comfortable with each other, we’ve grown up together and we’re all best friends. When you get on stage, you kind of just into that element, you don’t really think about those things I guess.
We usually have one or two beers before a show, but that’s about it. OK. Eighteen. Maybe eight hundred.
That’s fair. Favorites?
Coors Light… Coors Light… Coors Light (laughter) That’s Southern California.
We have a fancy palate. Actually, there’s this new beer coming out called Tower Park that they just opened in Anaheim, California. Really, really good.
Keep up with The Jacks at, on Facebook, and Instagram.
by Meredith Schneider | Apr 4, 2018 | singles, wolf tracks
New York-base duo Glassio – comprised of Sam R. and Charles Pinel, raised in Dubai/London and Paris, respectively – is out boasting their new single “Back For More”. And for good reason too, as the sound is both upbeat and – almost unbearably – calming at the same time. With a tempo similar to an older, more innocent, video game soundtrack, we’re engulfed into the lightweight, beautiful soundscape that Glassio has become known for. Vocals butter it up even more, giving a tranquil, pleasant cherry on top of this track that seems almost too perfect for your springtime playlist.
Keep up with Glassio here.
by Meredith Schneider | Apr 3, 2018 | snapshot, visual
SXSW 2018 was absolutely insane. We only got to head down for a couple of days, but we packed in so much culture and new music discovery, our heads are still spinning. Below, peep a selection of “out and about” photos along the streets of Austin in March!