french horn rebellion, “renaissance man”

french horn rebellion, “renaissance man”

As French Horn Rebellion, siblings Robert and David Perlick-Molinari have been weaving their way into the hearts of music lovers around the world. With the release of their new single “Renaissance Man” comes a compilation of their tracks released from 2017 to 2019, this song the last piece of that puzzle. For them, this is an era of their creation. And while the entire compilation is worth a listen (or twelve!), we have the smooth sounds of “Renaissance Man” playing on repeat for now.

Keep up with French Horn Rebellion here.

lost leaders, promises promises

lost leaders, promises promises

Hailing from New York state, musical duo Lost Leaders – comprised of Peter Cole (Guitar/Vocals) and Byron Issacs (Guitar, Bass/Vocals) – released their endearing new 9-track full-length, titled Promises Promises on Friday. Beginning with first track “Extra-Ordinary”, the band brings an organic feeling of warmth to each track through to the last whirring notes of “Falling”. Personal favorites from the collection are “People Like Us”, “Wake Me Up”, and the darkness of “Falling Stars”, though we would never suggest trying those out without the album in its entirety.

The way Lost Leaders has crafted the energy of this album from one song to the next is bar none, and we’re electrified at the prospect of listening all week!

Keep up with Lost Leaders here.

wondr, “all for you”

wondr, “all for you”

Nashville-based musician WONDR lays it on thick with his new music video for “All For You”. Both with lyrics – what human wouldn’t want to hear that someone was doing everything just for them? – and frames filled with nice clothes, a fancy car, and clean lines, WONDR paints a lifestyle that would make anyone envious. It’s the ultimate “dream life” video, so we’re going to take a quick break to daydream ourselves with it.

Keep up with WONDR here.

sugaray rayford, somebody save me

sugaray rayford, somebody save me

Today, blues/soul musician Sugaray Rayford releases his latest full-length, an album titled Somebody Save Me. Starting with first track “The Revelator”, he weaves his quintessential raspy, soulful vocals into the instrumentals like a seasoned pro. While “Time to Get Movin'” speeds the pace up a bit, it also brings a little more southern rock flare into the soundscape, which is less confusing when you remember this talent hails from the great state of Texas. “You and I” is a true love track, something you should convince your significant other to dance with you to.

“My Cards Are on the Table” follows suit in the romance department, though it slows things down even more than its predecessor. While “I’d Kill for You, Honey” has that southern twang to it, “Angels and Devils” takes more of what we would consider a ballad-like approach. “Sometimes You Get the Bear (And Sometimes the Bear Gets You)” feels nostalgic, a piece of “The Twist” haunting it while we sway our hips. The title track slows things way down – anyone else feel like they’re at a sock hop? – while ” Is It Just Me” goes all out in the horns section to introduce itself. “Dark Night of the Soul” rounds it all out with a slightly edgier tone than the rest of the album, though it is one of our absolute favorite tracks in this collection and leaves quite the imprint on your memory.

Keep up with Sugaray Rayford here.

fathers, high horses

fathers, high horses

Today, Kansas City-based collective Fathers – comprised of Kenneth Storz (Voice, Guitar, Keys), Brooke Honeycutt (Voice, Bells, Percussion), David Littlewood (Voice, Keys, Bells), Matt Guilliams (Bass, Percussion), Bryce VZ (Vibraphone, Voice, Percussion), Josh Seerden (Guitar, Keys, Bass, Percussion), and Celeste Tilley (Trombone, Voice, Percussion) – releases a compelling new EP titled High Horses. First track “Natural Facts” starts out with static, and then one voice becomes many as it layers into a beautiful, wordless harmony. It is only at 1:42 that lyrics are introduced to the track, melancholic and beautiful in their disposition. “PRTND” maintains that same low, thoughtful sound, as the influence of oughts punk is woven into their unique indie sound.

“Guinevere” is welcomed slowly, as gracefully as the name would indicate. The entirety of the track feels delicate compared to its brethren, as it is the only track void of vocals, save for a distorted overlay at the very end. Fathers round out the collection with the title track, a slow yet vibrant display of introspective lyrics and strings amidst a bevy of tranquil sounds. It is absolutely delightful.

Keep up with Fathers here.

the mowgli’s, american feelings

the mowgli’s, american feelings

On this – the first day of March, in the year of all denominational acceptance, twenty nineteen – The Mowgli’s release their new EP, a 4-track collection titled American Feelings. And boy, do we have feelings. Beginning with first track “Hard to Love”, there are MAJOR feelings present in this album. And though The Mowlgi’s aren’t known for hiding their feelings, this is a new level of vulnerability. “Hard to Love”, in particular, is this insane pop track that has this dance vibe that makes it impossible not to move. The lyrics, admittedly, are way less fun and slightly more paranoid than the soundscape, but the honesty through Dieden’s vocals – and that damn fine drum beat – keep us coming back for more.

But second track “Mr. Telephone” won’t disappoint after that incredible start, so don’t worry. female lead vocals provided by Katie Jayne Earl give everything a different dynamic, though it follows in the same “Holy shit this should be a #1 pop single” pattern is its predecessor. “Norman Rockwell” slows the pace down for us, but is no less layered and magical because of it. The way the lead vocals are weaved amidst the instrumentals reminds us of some of our favorite 90’s tracks, though we couldn’t necessarily assign a decade to those swooning instrumentals, that seem to knock us off our feet with every listen. Last track “Talk About It” swaps back to those female vocals, and even with the fast dance pace, it continues to touch on delicate topics. The lyrical content – had it been arranged any differently – may have truly made this a song to ponder your life to, crying alone in a room before making big decisions. But because of the pace and energy in the performance, there’s a juxtaposition that makes it so unique and beautiful.

Give it a spin if you want to feel the warm fuzzies for the rest of your day.

Keep up with The Mowgli’s here.

the entire month of february was a snowstorm, but it produced some amazing music videos

the entire month of february was a snowstorm, but it produced some amazing music videos

February has been quite the whirlwind. Between incredibly busy schedules and hoards of snowstorms – mother nature is really wreaking havoc on North America right now, in case you haven’t heard – we have found solace in the music video world. Below, find a collection of some of our favorite new music videos that were released this month. You’re guaranteed to fall in love with at least two new discoveries.

episode #2: a conversation with talker

episode #2: a conversation with talker

A few weeks ago, we had the distinct pleasure of sitting down to chat with Talker while she was revving up for the release of her debut EP Horror Films. We also got to speak about energy healing, life in Los Angeles, growing up in the same metropolitan area, and other fun thoughts! Since then, Horror Films has made its debut as well, so you’ll want to check that out. (But only after you listen to our podcast.)


1:03 – Joshua Tree
3:47 – Sacramento
8:34 – conception story
12:13 – writing process
13:33 – new music video
18:00 – new EP
20:28 – Frenship
22:44 – things to do in LA
25:36 – energy healing and crystals
28:43 – sloth
37:17 – The Great British Bake Off

Keep up with Talker here.

the sluts @ the truman

the sluts @ the truman

On Valentine’s Day, Lawrence, KS favorites The Sluts opened for FIDLAR at 96.5 The Buzz’s holiday show at The Truman. Entertaining as ever, the duo Kristoffer Dover and Ryan Wise injected an intense energy into the audience, making it easy to blow FIDLAR away when they hit the stage. KC, we love you.