david quinn, “cryin’ shame”

david quinn, “cryin’ shame”

On April 5th, David Quinn releases his first full-length, an incredible collection titled Wanderin’ Fool. While we wait with bated breath for its arrival (soon!), his latest release – “Cryin’ Shame” – is a simplified, bluesy, country track that will leave you absolutely reeling. Admits Quinn of the track: “‘Cryin’ Shame’ is one of the older songs I wrote on this record but I always come back to it. It is really about falling for a wild woman, which I know from experience, and how quickly it all goes downhill.”

Though it premiered in February with the album announcement, the song has lingered in our minds as one of the best to welcome spring with. After all, aren’t we all wild women? 😉

Keep up with David Quinn here.

hana pirahna, “silk and poison”

hana pirahna, “silk and poison”

A gorgeous string section lures you effortlessly into London-based power punk musician Hana Piranha‘s new single “Silk and Poison”, released to celebrate new album Waiting To Burn. The song unfolds into a rough, guitar-driven beauty, a cacophony of crashing cymbals, and loud, proud vocals. Just as the title insists, it’s the perfect blend of silk and poison… much like this incredible songstress.

Keep up with Hana Piranha here.

model citizen, “magic trick”

model citizen, “magic trick”

Eighteen-piece Brooklyn-based soul pop collective Model Citizen recently released their new single “Magic Trick”, a high profile track riddled with crashing cymbals, insane guitar riffs, and loud, proud vocals that make the single that much more decadent to rock out to. We’re particularly fond of this track for its horn section, though the intricate layers of instrumentals are absolutely mesmerizing, as it seems to be for most of their incredible music.

Throw some magic into your March below!

The Next Life is out this July. Keep up with Model Citizen here.

orouni, “former lorry driver”

orouni, “former lorry driver”

Parisian indie pop collective Orouni recently released their new track “Former Lorry Driver”, and it’s the gamer-friendly, upbeat single that just might pull you out of your “first half of the week” rut. Good news? Their accents are palpable, which is perfect for francophiles. The song itself is hopeful as well, as it is about a man who was told he only had six months to live and survived his own cancer scare.

Try it on for size. Then let us know what you think in the comments on Facebook!

Partitions is out April 19th. Keep up with Orouni here.

the mowgli’s @ the truman

the mowgli’s @ the truman

On March 16th, we welcomed St. Patrick’s Day with an energetic performance by The Mowgli’s at The Truman in Kansas City, MO. Every bit of what we’ve come to love about this band was displayed on stage, from the intensity of their live performance, to the vulnerability in the words that they sing, and even to a few choice moments of love specifically for the Kansas City audience. We caught a few choice photos between jumps and spins, and you can check them out below!

Keep up with The Mowgli’s here.

ally venable, “one sided misunderstanding”

ally venable, “one sided misunderstanding”

Taken from her new album Texas Honey, blues/rock songstress Ally Venable drops the new music video for her track “One Sided Misunderstanding” right here, right now. Comprised of beautifully shot footage from what looks to be a studio session, the video displays a little bit more of Venable’s attitude and a whole lot of her live performance flare. You’ll fall in love with the guitar chords, as they dance around her vocals and make you feel just a little more alive than you already did. Explains Venable of the track, “This song is about when you are you are in a situation that seems as if you’ve been put on the back burner, and blamed for something that you didn’t do.”

Take it for a spin below!

Keep up with Ally Venable here.

march madness 2019: a soundtrack

march madness 2019: a soundtrack

March has been mad for more reasons than just basketball, and we’re here to share those reasons with you! Each month, we round up our favorite new song releases in a Spotify soundtrack feature for our fans. Whether you like sad boy music, hip hop, indie, alternative, or a little bit of twang, there is a little bit of something for everyone in this collection. Alycia Lang, New Luna, Kat Saul, Good Fuck… And it’ll just keep growing from here, so check back regularly throughout the remainder of the month for more new gems!

a conversation with justin kibbel

a conversation with justin kibbel

Justin Kibbel is a saint. OK, perhaps that’s stretching it… but only a teensy bit. The man is a well-known music industry player in Madison, WI, works for an incredible new venue, runs his own label, and manages a unique and magical indie pop duo named Seasaw. When (if) he has free time, he tends toward international travel, so he’s got some tricks up his sleeve for us on today’s podcast.

What you can probably glean from all of this as that good people exist, you just have to find them. We are so proud to have worked with Justin in the past, and cannot wait to see what the future holds for This Means War!

Dig into our previous episodes of the podcast any time at imperfectfifth.com/podcast!