by Jai'Tyria Hatton | Apr 6, 2018 | singles, wolf tracks
Luke Burr found his love of music through his father’s old soul records. Burr was inspired by several R&B artists which later encouraged him to begin singing and playing the piano. From there, the soul singer began to make his mark in music. This time, he enthralls with his new single “Lights On”.
The track is full of R&B and soulful sounds, which encapsulate Burr’s signature sound. The singer uses his soulful voice to sing about a woman that is very special to him, and how she looks good just the way she is without trying. “Lights On” is full of lifting women up and appreciating them just the way they are no matter how they look. His lyrics are inspiring and empowering. One can only anticipate what the singer has in store in the near future.
Keep up with Luke Burr here.
by Jai'Tyria Hatton | Feb 9, 2018 | singles, wolf tracks
Hailing from Essex, England, 22-yearold Luke Burr has hit his stride with new mesmerizing single “Too Far Gone”. The song starts off with slow piano. Burr sings about it being too late to stop loving someone.
The very powerful beat changes up when it hits the chorus. The instrumental sounds of the song flow perfectly with Luke’s soulful voice.When listening to “Too Far Gone” it makes you love the thought of love. Luke Burr’s passionate voice sings about his loved one flawlessly while making the listener feel like he or she is in love. From the lyrics alone, you imagine the person he is singing about, and maybe even compare him or her to your own loved one. This song has the power to hold your attention from start to finish, and you might not want to stop listening.
Keep up with Burr here.