by Christie McMenamin | Aug 20, 2018 | snapshot, visual
If you haven’t seen Lauren Ruth Ward yet – no matter what type of music you’re into – you’re 110% missing out. An incredible rock songstress with a slight twang, Lauren Ruth Ward’s music reaches far and wide in its influence. But her live performance is absolutely unheard of, which is why it was so easy for Christie McMenamin to dive in and get photos of this young talent during her recent show at Zone One in some breathtaking lowlight.
by Meredith Schneider | Jun 29, 2018 | singles, wolf tracks
Have you ever been through a breakup, riddled with fresh feelings and not wanting the relationship to end, necessarily? Ambient indie trio Lydia – comprised of Leighton Antelman, Matt Keller, and Shawn Strader – and rock ‘n’ roll musician Lauren Ruth Ward have teamed up to create a soundscape filled with both parties’ tumultuous thoughts from a last night together. Is it the right thing to do? Are the emotions raw enough to make you want to keep that person with you? Was it all bad?
Relationships are complicated, and Lydia and Lauren Ruth Ward address that fact in a seemingly upbeat, but equally tortured, single filled with hope and anticipation for the future. It will be available on Lydia’s upcoming album Liquor.
Liquor will be available July 13th. Keep up with Lydia here.