kills birds, kills birds

kills birds, kills birds

On Friday, Kills Birds released a self-titled full length that is sure to keep you on your toes. From the very first frantic chords of “Worthy Girl” to the last lines of ninth track “Ok Hurricane”, there is equal parts surf pop and punk influence in this alternative collective’s new release, and we’re thrilled with the cadence of it all. Second track “Jesus Did” is something we would actually find ourselves moshing to in a dingy club, if you’re truly wondering, and “Ow” follows suit with a subtle, beautiful darkness and slower pace. “Volcano” builds like a vintage rock track, intricate percussion leading the way, while “New Friend” slows everything down and builds the instrumentals to a trudging, intense soundscape despite the more leisurely pace.

While “Only Yellow” feels melancholic in title, it’s a garage rock gem that is equal parts chaos and intricate observation. “Tear Up” finds itself in more of a Weezer realm lyrically and vocally, while “High” prefaces the last track with a hard bass line, the most Nirvana-esque of the tracks on this record.

Quite frankly, we have been waiting for a soundscape like this. Something to match the way the weather is going in North America, something to take us into autumn with appreciation and a sense of reality. So check it out below, then tell us what you think on Facebook!

Keep up with Kills Birds here.