the rocket summer @ the riot room

the rocket summer @ the riot room

I sometimes think back to how often I made my family listen to the Do You Feel and Hello, Good Friend albums on repeat during my teen years. I was angsty, and it made for good road trip music. And over the years, I’ve been nostalgic for those albums as The Rocket Summer has continue to release ace albums that inspire human connection on several unique levels. I was so happy to head out and support Bryce Avary during The Rocket Summer’s stop in Kansas City to play The Riot Room on October 8th.

I ended the most beautiful autumn evening belting out songs I sang twelve, thirteen years ago. Songs that made me feel like I was invincible, like I had to leave Kansas City to find myself. Like Kansas City had ever been a small town in any way. And here, I found myself singing this song in the same city, the city I have chosen to reside in during my adult years, the city that has brought me so much abundance and revelations about myself. Sure, I spent my time on both coasts, but I value this city. So I might not agree with the exact sentiment of the song, but the sense of adventure it invokes is a tale as old as time.

Between crowd pleasers like “Break It Out”, “Hold On”, “Do You Feel”, “So Much Love”, “Tell Me Something Good”, and more, Avary sprinkled his newer tracks, all of which boast the same, smart writing, intense percussion, and incredible amounts of emotion. “Morning Light”, “Shatter Us”, and “Wannalife” brought out some of Avary’s most recent art, an album we have been swimming in since August. Bryce Avary’s voice is all the instrument you need. Witness that in any number of his songs, his robust vocal ability truly captivating any audience, large or small. But his is some of the most elevated lyrical writing I have ever heard, and he consistently impresses with unique and vibrant instrumentals.

Throughout the extended set — Avary stayed for a proper encore, stretching his performance past the official curfew and reveling in the way the crowd had made him feel that evening — the energy and events that inspired each specific song were so ridiculously palpable. A night like this, surrounded by an intimate crowd in a small venue in the heart of America, that’s the kind of night that lives on. His music impacted my life majorly, and I’d be a fool to think I was the only one.


Keep up with The Rocket Summer here.

the early november, have mercy @ the rino

the early november, have mercy @ the rino

On Monday, October 7th, we escaped the ever-more-frigid midwestern air to enjoy some of the oughts’ most incredible emo tracks. The Early November was performing at The Rino in North Kansas City, MO, and — as big-time fans for over a decade — you bet we were there, surrounded by a room full of people who all had the same nostalgia while singing. In support was Have Mercy. Highlights below.

Keep up with The Early November here.

preview: the bacon brothers {{yes, those bacon brothers}} take kc this week!

preview: the bacon brothers {{yes, those bacon brothers}} take kc this week!

Next Tuesday, October 8th, join us at the intimate Folly Theater in Kansas City as we welcome The Bacon Brothers on their latest tour, The Shaky Ground Tour.  The Philadelphia-based genre-bending collective — comprised of Michael Bacon, Kevin Bacon, Paul Guzzone, Tim Quick, Frank Vilardi, and Joe Mennonna — has been lending their talent to the advancing Americana scene for decades. Though the two namesakes of the act have been making music together for most of their lives, they began to record music with this project in 1995.

So, if you haven’t heard of them yet, then your head is officially under a rock.

The perfect news in all of this? They have been touring pretty heavily as of late and — though originally they were only to come as close as Des Moines to the actual heart of America — added us to the tour a little later in the game, which made our hearts absolutely swoon.

Their latest single “Play!” that was released earlier this summer received critical acclaim and served as the backdrop to hot summer nights at the tail end of our warm months. Just enough of a boogie flare wraps itself in a warm embrace around such a beautiful chord progression, and we’re just so excited to see this one performed live.

Take an evening off and visit these Grammy-nominated musicians on Tuesday evening, October 8th. Tickets are available here.

See you on Tuesday! In the meantime, keep up with the brothers here!

noah gundersen @ recordbar

noah gundersen @ recordbar

On Monday, September 30th, we were thrilled by the crowd packed into Kansas City’s recordBar to enjoy an evening of music by Noah Gundersen. Quite honestly, weeknights in Kansas City are difficult to draw fans out for, especially with our weather being so unpredictable. But the night was beautiful, and the music was absolutely enthralling.

Packed to the brim, there was an excitement in the air as we pushed through the doors on that beautiful autumn night. Couples in droves, though largely we noticed how wide Gundersen’s audience is, as there was no obvious demographic. Young, old(er), couples, single people rocking out, people in all types of outfits and moods. It was probably the most intense melting pot we have been a part of in a while, and it was thrilling.

As soon as the first chords of “Robin Williams” came from the speakers, the entire crowd was captivated. As you can view in some of the following photographs, the audience was respectful of the ambience of each song, making sure to slow down and engage on a different level with songs such as “Heavy Metals”, “Watermelon”, and “Bad Desire”. And we truly can’t blame them. Noah does an amazing job at making each person feel as though they are the only one in the room, both with the emotion in his vocals, his intense gazes into the audience, and his inventive and beautiful musicianship. But he didn’t stop there, and the setup’s light display was actually mesmerizing as well. We can only imagine how intricate a show in a less intimate venue would be, and we can’t wait to see him come back through town.

Robin Williams
Crystal Creek
Heavy Metals
Lose You
Out of Time
Jesus, Jesus
So What
Bad Desire
Send the Rain (To Everyone)
Wild Horses
Kamikaze (with Lemolo)
All My Friends

Keep up with Noah Gundersen here.

josh ritter @ the madrid

josh ritter @ the madrid

When Josh Ritter moves across the stage, he doesn’t run or walk. He bounces across it. With a smile on his face from start to finish, his bubbly attitude is contagious. Ritter is also an expert storyteller, in both his masterfully crafted lyrics and his discussions with he crowd between songs. His set list included new and old favorites, including “The Curse,” “The Temptation of Adam,” and “Getting Ready to Get Down.” Ritter released his tenth studio album in April of this year.

Keep up with Josh Ritter here.

judah & the lion @ outside lands 2019

judah & the lion @ outside lands 2019

Outside Lands 2019 was one for the books. We were floored by the range in music selection, incredible designs and collaborations with the festival, the updated Grasslands area, and, of course, some of our favorite performers back on stage to enjoy. Not only did Judah & The Lion perform in Kansas City on Saturday night, but they booked it to San Francisco on Sunday to play on the main stage to a giant crowd mid-day. THAT’S dedication. We love them, infinity, every time.

Keep up with Judah & The Lion here.

seasaw @ minibar

seasaw @ minibar

When you wander into a small venue and see someone that was a little rough around the edges at a previous job – and you happen to be in attendance with a former coworker from that previous job – things can get a little weird. But we are here to tell you that the experience was not diminished in any way. The incredible talent from duo Seasaw is palpable from first listen, and their performance legitimately lights up any room they happen to be entertaining in. We melted into their lyrical journey, and fell deeper in love with the music with each slight lyrical explanation, each moment their earrings were swinging. Highlights from the show below!

Keep up with Seasaw here.

sex ed @ the rino

sex ed @ the rino

Last week, we prepped for the holiday of lights and showboating with a performance serene and gorgeous as the sound of a flowing stream after a good rain. Allison Gliesman’s voice is one of the most alluring we’ve ever heard, and with both their popular band Mess and their solo project sex ed, we are consistently floored by the quality of songwriting. We urge you to get out to a show, but until then, here are some highlights of one of our favorite performers. Period.

Keep up with Allison’s band Mess here.