fakelife, fall behind
Who else popped their head out of their hole long enough to realize that it’s already Memorial Day Weekend? Yup. It totally is. And we’re looking forward to “treading water” in a rainy, sloppy midwest indoors… but not without an ambiance. And who better to provide said ambiance than stunning indie-pop musical project, fakelife (Matt Couchois). With his new 5 track EP, Fall Behind, hitting airwaves and the collective consciousness TOMORROW, May 22nd, we are pleased to bring you your first listen to the work in its entirety below.
It’s difficult to understand the level of talent that is layered within this gem of a cut, as you can detect something even deeper than raw talent. As Couchois counts varying entertainers and artists as family members and predecessors, his legacy seems to have had an impact on his final product. Whether you’ve been in the mood to sit still and revel in the silence, you’ve been antsy to partake in social interaction, or you’ve been all over the place like an emotional rollercoaster (so, all of us), you will find reprieve in the sonic atmosphere that holds steady throughout each track. So let fakelife envelope you in his storytelling capabilities, and enjoy your holiday weekend with the extra bump of enthusiasm!
Keep up with fakelife here.