bohnes goes acoustic with “my friends”, releases remix ep
Bohnes has released an acoustic version of his latest single “My Friends”, and an EP filled with the track featuring artists such as Chace, Milk N Cooks, VCDC, Chantry, and Pretty Sister. “My Friends” is about getting to know your “enemies” or demons and befriending them instead of trying to run away or avoiding them. The original video version of “My Friends” is definitely different than the acoustic version. This version is much slower than the original version. The vocals in the song are more passionate, but it retains the same meaning. You can already hear the passion through Bohnes’ voice, but the video tugs at your heartstrings even more.
Bohnes is seen walking along an airplane that looks scratched up. The song is being played during a beautiful sunset. “My Friends” shows that our demons stay with us forever so we may as well befriend them. It is an absolute masterpiece, and the anticipation of seeing what Bohnes releases next is nail biting.
Keep up with Bohnes here.