by ImperfectFifth | Mar 9, 2018 | soundtrack
Progressive metal/hard rock genre is always considered to be very niche and always about screaming vocals, and I have always believed otherwise. I feel that it should expand to many ears. It has everything! So I came up with this list to show what I consider are the best qualities of this glorious modern sound. Heavy riffs, melodies, complex rhythms, hooks, amazing production….Would love to know how people feel about this genre after listening to some of these bands. all of these bands have influenced our writing in some way.
Keep up with Ascending Dawn here.
by Meredith Schneider | Oct 31, 2017 | wolf tracks
While we wait with baited breath as progressive/alt metal project Ascending Dawn – comprised of Marlain Angelides (vocals), Mark Weatherley (drums/guitar), and Owen Rees (guitar) – prepares to release their new album Coalesce on December 1st, we’re thinking it might be a good idea to watch their new lyric video for single “Cannonball”. But on repeat. And while you might not necessarily know why, we’ve got the lyric video below for you to take a gander at so you can understand how we fell in love with the intricate natural details of it all.
Set largely with a faded black and white/sepia colored filter over landscape scenery (an ant crawling across a wooden surface, waves crashing over a beach, etc.), it is around minute three that color is allowed to shine through, as the camera then passes over the same landscapes with a soft, ethereal glow over brilliantly colored flowers, trees, bees, etc. The contrast is stunning – almost harshly so – but makes you appreciate the presence of color even more. And all the while, the crashing cymbals and fierce, all-encompassing vocals lent by Angelides make you feel – in a word – like a badass.
Coalesce is out December 1st. Keep up with Ascending Dawn here.