feva, “makin’ waves”

feva, “makin’ waves”

Alt-indie newcomers, FEVA, just release their latest single.  “Makin’ Waves” is a debut off of the English based band self-titled album FEVA.  The song is sure to be an indie-rock classic with focus on guitar, drums and vocals, while maintaining an upbeat feeling.  “Don’t feel like you gotta settle down—baby lovin’ ain’t for us all.”  “Makin’ Waves” encompasses an important message in the song for people of all ages.  The line I specifically mentioned: “Don’t feel like you gotta settle down,” is especially crucial.  In today’s world of have a stable career, education, and S.O. (significant other), by the time that you’re thirty is not only stressful—it’s daunting.  “Makin’ Waves” really came around full circle for me,  making me realize that you have to go out there into the world and make waves…literally.  Settling down isn’t an option, so don’t make it one. FEVA sure didn’t.

Keep up with FEVA here.

john muirhead talks upcoming track release, music as a universal language

john muirhead talks upcoming track release, music as a universal language

As he revs up to release his new track “Passenger’s Side” this Friday, Ontario-based folk rock talent John Muirhead seems to be absolutely glowing with excitement. His music – which has an almost Broadway musical feel to it with the way he emphasizes every syllable and makes sure his audience is crystal clear on his meaning – is absolutely captivating, the new track setting the tone for what’s to come later this year. Check out our quick hit interview below, and be sure to peep the new song on Friday!

Your new single “Passenger’s Side” is amazing. How has your music evolved since releasing your first EP Yesterday’s Smile?

Thanks so much!

I’m still very proud of Yesterday’s Smile, but with it being my first EP, the whole record was a learning process. I learned a lot about how to be comfortable in the studio and how to create interesting arrangements that serve the song. The songs themselves were written between the ages of 16 and 19, so looking back as a more mature songwriter there are definitely some things that I would change if I were to do it all over again.

With “Passenger’s Side” and the rest of Foundational (The new EP, released in June 2018) I’ve taken the experience from Yesterday’s Smile and applied it. I feel that my voice has matured, my confidence has grown, and the songs are more representative of myself.

What message would you like your fans to get from “Passenger’s Side”? (Out April 6th)

The song is about defying the feeling that maybe our best days are behind us, and the appeal and romanticism of leaving it all behind. With this song I hope that listeners know that they’re not alone in that feeling.

I also hope the song can be the soundtrack to late night drives and lazy Sunday mornings.

How have you grown as an artist since you first began making music?

I think I’m just more sure of myself as a musician. I’ve sharpened up my guitar playing, singing, and performance through the constant repetition of touring and playing live, and my songwriting is getting closer and closer to the level I want it to be. My artistic vision is much clearer now, and I know what I want to accomplish in music.

What is your favorite thing about making music?

My favourite moment in the process of making music is seeing and hearing people sing along to songs that I wrote. I make music in hopes that my songs can effect others the way my favourite songs have effected me, and seeing people sing along is a reminder that maybe I’m on the right track.

In a much broader sense, my favourite thing about music is the fact that it’s a universal language. Regardless of language or culture we can all connect to music, and it plays such an integral role in all of our lives. I’ve made so many meaningful connections to people through music that I may not have had if I didn’t play, and I think that’s amazing.

What inspired you to begin making music?

Like a lot of musicians my age, Guitar Hero actually played a big role in inspiring me to pick up a real guitar. It introduced me to so much great music and it felt really cool to hold a guitar in my hands. When I picked up a real guitar it felt amazing to actually play the songs from the game and from there it didn’t take long to start writing.

What musicians would you say inspire you as an artist?

There are too many! I would have to say Frank Turner would be one of my biggest influences, he bridged the gap between my indie/punk rock upbringing and my current appreciation for folk music. Seeing the intensity of his work ethic and reading about his crazy tour stories really made me want to push myself to the limit as a musician. Recently I’ve been really inspired by Brian Fallon, Jason Isbell, Phoebe Bridgers, and a whole bunch more.

Following the release of your new EP this spring will there be a tour in the future?

Yes! I will be heading out to Eastern Canada in June, touring as part of VIA Rail’s Artist on Board program. I’ll be announcing all of the dates shortly, make sure to follow me on social media to stay up to date!


Keep up with John Muirhead here.

the jacks talk tour schedule, fancy palette at sxsw 2018

the jacks talk tour schedule, fancy palette at sxsw 2018

On March 16th, The Jacks came strolling into our lives like old, familiar friends on the street. We were set to meet them at 6th and San Jacinto in downtown Austin, right outside of San Jac Saloon. We knew we were looking for four musicians – Johnny Stanback, Thomas Hunter, Scott Stone, and Josh Roossin make up this collaborative indie quartet – but we didn’t realize just HOW rock n’ roll the experience would be.

For example, Scott made it to the corner several minutes before the rest of them came meandering up, but every single one of them was donning dark wash jeans and black shirts, often layered with a black jacket. But let me put this into context for you: It was 88 degrees outside.

But that’s just how these guys handle it. They deal with the heat. They’re comfortable in tight spaces together, and they’re excited about expanding their reach and their audience, bringing their music to the masses. So let me leave you with a sweet little ditty by them, and the transcription of our time together in interview form!

Introduce yourselves please. Tell me your name and what you do with the band.

Johnny: We’re The Jack’s. I’m Johnny, and I sing and play guitar, rhythm.

Tom: I’m Tom Hunter and I play lead guitar.

Josh: I’m Josh and I play drums.

Scott: I’m Scott Stone and I play lead bass guitar.

And mother. We hear you’re mother of the band.

Scott: Yes, Momager.

I guess that is because of the fact that he was on time and we were already late.

He’s like ‘hey it’s me – the band’. So guys, how’s South By been for you? Is it your first South By?

Yeah. We got in Monday night… So we’ve been here for three full days now, three and a half. We’re headed off to Dallas tonight… Very excited. That will be a great crowd. We played two [shows] at South By and we’re playing one in Dallas, then heading back.

Awesome. That’s good – pace it a little bit. What have you guys seen here that you liked?

Lots of awesome fans. Lots of great food too. We just had breakfast at Moonshine and it was unreal. You learn not to use Yelp, you ask people. All our local Austin friends gave us good food suggestions.

What was your favorite aspect of South by Southwest as a band? 

Both shows we played were really awesome, we had a great time. Obviously, it’s just hanging out, we have a lot of friends here performing, bands that we’ve played with before. It’s so good to see them and see how well they do and spend time. It’s just an amazing environment – it’s all artists and a great time. It’s like adult summer camp!

I like that! That metaphor makes sense! What’s coming up next that you want to tell people about?

Our next show is March 27th at the Peppermint Club in L.A. We’re excited about that one. Then we booked a Pacific Northwest tour for the end of May we’re really excited about. What else… We play Brick and Mortar in San Francisco on the 23rd of May… All the way up to Portland and Seattle so far. That’s what we have in store for the next month or two. And obviously a bunch of great new music hopefully coming.

It’s not up to us anymore, but we get to release it, hopefully in October… We recorded a new single, got a new music video for that.. Hopefully tour on that in the fall.

Fingers crossed it all pans out! Alright, you guys have really committed to the dark jeans, the boots, how are you faring today, although the weather has changed slightly and it’s at least breezy?

We took them off…the day was a little long…yeah…

Here’s a question I have – aesthetically, you guys tend to go toward the black and the jeans, how’s that going to happen when you’re in Florida? (laughter)

We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it .. We haven’t had that issue…Maybe Mexico? The Jack’s booty shorts… Make that our summer line.

How do you guys calm down or pump up before a show? Do you get nervous or do you have to rev yourself up? 

It depends on the show. Like the Troubadour, the one we did that sold out – that was obviously a big one for us. It’s just kind of like we’re just so comfortable with each other, we’ve grown up together and we’re all best friends. When you get on stage, you kind of just into that element, you don’t really think about those things I guess.

We usually have one or two beers before a show, but that’s about it. OK. Eighteen. Maybe eight hundred.

That’s fair. Favorites?

Coors Light… Coors Light… Coors Light (laughter) That’s Southern California.

We have a fancy palate. Actually, there’s this new beer coming out called Tower Park that they just opened in Anaheim, California. Really, really good.


Keep up with The Jacks at thejacksbandla.com, on Facebook, and Instagram.

david rosales talks new album, creates peace at sxsw

david rosales talks new album, creates peace at sxsw

David Rosales was waiting for me on a street corner in Austin when I meandered up to him for the second time that day. In fact, he had been waiting patiently as some of my other interviews ran late, his back certainly weighing heavy with his luggage and guitar strapped on him and sitting next to him. Despite the 88 degree weather – and what should have been the most aggravating conditions – he brought with him a sense of ease and a feeling of calm that I hadn’t felt yet on 6th Street during SXSW 2018. He was kind, and ready to chat freely about his SX experience, his musical journey, and everything in between.


Let’s do this.  I know – get your stuff situated, or hold it on your back the whole time, that’s fine too.

David:  I’m sweating.  I’m not used to this.  I’m used to California.

Right? OK, so speaking of, how long have you been out here for South By?  When did you get in town?

David:  A couple days ago I got in on a Greyhound from Dallas.  I flew to Dallas and then took a Greyhound down here with like my guitar on my lap, you know, because I didn’t want it to sit underneath with luggage and didn’t want it to sit in the overhead.  Cause it’s not like a plane, you know, it’s a bus…

That’s scary.

David:  So I’m sitting there with like a book in one hand and a guitar in the other, cramped up, you know, I’m six foot one so it’s uncomfortable. Those Greyhounds are kind of small.  But, yeah, I know, it sounds like the beginning of a song.  I think it’s got a song in there somewhere. I got into Austin on a Greyhound.  And it was late, it was like three hours late, so…

Meredith:  So everything was going correctly?

David:  You just need to be mellow when you’re touring. You’ve just to realize that, you know, you just got to flex and flow.  You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.

Did you come into the industry with that thought process or did it take a while for you?

David:  I don’t know, I guess I’ve been in the “industry” for a long time.  I was in a hard rock band for like ten years. I was in garage bands before that through high school, junior high and stuff.  Just growing up in L.A., it’s a big market. So I did the whole Sunset thing and touring around the country on an indie label.  Then at about thirty, my band kind of dissolved at that time and I had written this EP that was just because I had a baby coming and I went from writing songs about death, and just rock themes, dark and stuff like that.  I went in the studio and started writing some about love and stuff I wasn’t really comfortable with before. And when my band dissolved, I was like “well might as well follow this because it is the only thing I have”.

It wasn’t meant for anybody and it was this first EP that I released called Smile.  I just went with it because it was the only thing I had. I didn’t have my band anymore and I just had these songs and I just started playing them, people were digging them, buying them. I sing with a girl named Olivia and we kind of did our thing and then we came out with an EP, the duet EP. We were Dave and Olivia for a bit. I did another solo EP called Along the Way that came out in ’14. I’ve just kind of been playing a ton of gigs and stuff since then, writing this new material, recording it, and getting the cash flow up to come out and do something proper with it.

This album we have coming up called Brave Ones is the culmination of all that. It’s eleven songs of love, loss, despair, triumph, you know, everything that’s kind of like the human experience.  It’s a lot of relatable stuff. It’s crazy looking at myself as this thirteen year old skateboarder that would jump off rooftops into pools and stuff like that with my garage band and go to like, where I am now. Music’s always been there for me, but it’s changed and it’s grown as humans do. We’re not the same people we were when we were thirteen…


David:  Or even eighteen…

Yeah we are!!  (laughs)

David:  (laughs) So it’s like, that’s the beauty of life, is kind of accepting those changes and stuff, and just kind of walking kind of gracefully. Fortunately for me, this kind of step that happened six years ago just kind of came at the right time and you just kind of flex and flow with it.

So with your new work, how can you imagine someone listening to it in its’ entirety?  With a glass of Scotch sitting by a fire Anchorman style, out with their friends, is there an atmosphere you want to create with this?

David:  It’s crazy to picture anybody listening to a complete album anymore…

I know, but I do it.  I still do it!

David:  That’s why we write these albums and that’s why I am, like, going over and over and over sequencing the songs, because I believe in it.  I believe in the story that I’m telling. I believe in a whole vibe of an album. My album’s very round. It has a beginning and it has an end.  It has arcs and stuff of a story and it kind of follows this path. I’m a student of songwriting completely so I love the whole story telling. I read Stephen King “On Writing”.  I read great writers, I’m a student of it so what do I picture?

I picture somebody driving. It’s kind of like driving music. I think it’s somebody who could be cruising. Maybe like on the 101 in California, or just a long distance where they have…they can just kind of…Did you ever start a drive and you, “OK, I got to my location but I don’t really remember too much of the in between.  I was vibing on it, but I just got here.” I want to take people away. I want to have them kind of look at – and relate to – what I’m writing. I think that I’m writing about relatable human experiences.

That’s the great thing about songwriters. Songwriters are, we’re just like you or somebody else that maybe doesn’t play music or something like that, but we just kind of recognize these mundane human experiences.  These day to day things and we kind of put them in a song so that you go “Oh I had that same experience” or “I can relate to that” or “I can vibe on that”.

Absolutely.  Here’s a quick, off the cuff, question: What’s been your favorite food at South By?

David:  I’m staying with my cousins, so my cousin’s chorizo.  She makes it like my mom where it’s not too greasy.

Dammit. Makes us all jealous.  I’m going to tell people his favorite thing in Austin is this, but you can’t have it, sorry.

David:  I really haven’t eaten too much food – I’ve been drinking a ton here. I’ve been kind of hydrating, that’s what I’m doing.  Hydrating. So I haven’t been eating a ton of food when I’m playing gigs.  It’s tough to eat and play and talk to people, so it kind of gets lost. I’m one of those people where I forget to eat, just in general.  I run a lot and I’m almost forced to eat, so that kind of keeps me eating. I forget because I’m just so busy. It’s tough. So being a dad, running, my wife, just everything, I think about myself last in a way because everybody else comes before me.

Meredith:  You’ve performed already at South By clearly, you’ve been here a little bit…

David:  I’ve done three shows and done some interviews and press and stuff like that and I have two more shows tomorrow. We’re playing at the Westin Rooftop on the 20th floor for Chive TV at 1pm, and then an hour later at 87 Rainey Street. 

Meredith:  That’s a quick turnaround! You sound fancy!

David:  I don’t know if I’m fancy. But I love it!

Keep up with the wonderful David Rosales and his intricate and beautiful musical path here.

babbling april, holy gold

babbling april, holy gold

D.C. based four-piece Babbling April just self-released a brand new EP titled Holy Gold. Babbling April is made up of Dave New, Vivi Machi, Ben Medina, and Ben Melrod. February of 2015 saw their debut release, On Breath. Now, Babbling April is back better than ever with the release of Holy Gold. With a unique indie sound and always authentic by self-releasing, Babbling April seeks to be truly themselves and bring joy to others through their music.


  1. “Reputation”: Reputation seems to be a popular subject these days, and this unapologetic track flips it upside down with the idea that reputation doesn’t actually matter. Need to shake off the haters? Put this song on.
  2. “Blighted Years”: this track starts off with some excellent instrumentals and an inescapable beat. “Blighted Years” combines harmony, hitting lyrics, and great percussion to tie up a fantastic song.
  3. “In the Vulgate”: A rocking, quirky track, “In the Vulgate” is an instrumental interlude halfway through the EP that carries the listener into the second half of Holy Gold.
  4. “If Hearts Really Do Break”: Starting with a foreboding, almost extraterrestrial sound leading into a more gentle and acoustic instrumental track.
  5. “Without A Care”: Following in the vein of “Reputation”, this track lends itself to a bittersweet sound and some emotional lyrics.
  6. “Alliances and Rifts (and Separations in the Holy Gold)”: closing out Holy Gold is another instrumental track that has excellent composition and balance of instruments.

Overall, one of the best aspects of Babbling April’s EP is the careful instrumentation and attention to balance.

Holy Gold is available for vinyl preorder now. Keep up with Babbling April here.

the unlikely candidates, “oh my dear lord”

the unlikely candidates, “oh my dear lord”

Texas-based five-piece The Unlikely Candidates have just released their brand new music video for their single “Oh My Dear Lord”. The Unlikely Candidates – comprised of Kyle Morris’ vocals, Brent Carney on lead guitar with fellow guitarist Cole Male, Jared Hornbeek’s bass and Kevin Goddard on drums – are making waves as rockstars.The group says of the track: “Oh My Dear Lord thematically and sonically goes from sweeping wistful verses to explosive redemptive choruses. We wanted something that reflected that dramatically in a video. Water has that dynamic tension. It can be soft and ethereal or crushing and chaotic. This video capitalized off that contrast and made for a perfect pairing visually for ‘Oh My Dear Lord.”

Fans of Night Riots, Fall Out Boy, or Panic! At The Disco will likely enjoy this quintet’s work. The partially abstract video combines the classic performative cuts of a rock band with an indie edge and carefully crafted angles. The track, like all good rock songs, is one that gets you pumped and full of emotion. You’re going to want to watch the video for “Oh My Dear Lord” right away.

Follow The Unlikely Candidates:
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

ms. mohammed, “pandora”

ms. mohammed, “pandora”

Hailing from Trinidad and of South Asian descent, Ms. Mohammed is out to confront xenophobia and islamophobia head-on with spectacular songwriting and seamless vocals. Not only does her music have powerful beats, but they are also equipped with dynamite messages that are meant to speak out against hate and encourage understanding and compassion. In her most recent release, “Pandora,” this talented artist raises an “anthemic battle cry” which captures her fierce and inspiring conviction concerning feminism. The video which was releases recently for this track was also graced with gritty groundbreaking visuals and stunning displays of feminist pride.

While speaking of the context that supports the “Pandora” visual spectacle Ms. Mohammed states:

The video features women/femme identified non binary artist and activist friends of mine; all with personal experiences of femme phobia and were keen to appear, based on the themes addressed both in song and video. We danced like the patriarchy has ended.

As female empowerment dominates 2018’s headlines, Ms. Mohammed is embracing the worldwide message with her delicious indie-rock masterpiece.

Keep up with Ms. Mohammed here.

flagship releases relatable track “the ladder”

flagship releases relatable track “the ladder”

The indie-rock duo Flagship showcases their new song “The Ladder.” The North Carolina natives share a gripping message on their pleading track. Listening to “The Ladder” for the first time was very relatable to me. It talks of how as members of a society, we just are expected to climb that ladder. So many of us do, and yet we end up in the same place.

The lyric “I’ve been working overtime,” really resonates with me as a young person, because I try to work as much as possible while balancing school and my personal life, which at times can be rough. The message I ultimately took away is that you can climb your ladder, but go at your own pace…or don’t at all. It’s your life and it’s up to you.

Tour Dates with Blue October
4/18 Little Rock, AR – Metroplex
4/19 Louisville, KY – Mercury Ballroom
4/20 Chicago, IL – House of Blues
4/21 Fort Wayne, IN – Piere’s
4/22 Flint, MI – Machine Stop
4/25 Niagara Falls, NY – Rapids Theater
4/26 Toronto, ONT – Opera House
4/27 Sayreville, NJ – Starland Ballroom
4/29 Wilmington, DE – World Café Live at the Queen
5/2 Raleigh, NC – Lincoln Theatre
5/3 Charlotte, NC – Fillmore
5/4 Myrtle Beach, SC – House of Blues
5/5 Orlando, FL – House of Blues
5/9 Pensacola, FL – Vinyl Music Hall
5/10 Baton Rouge, LA – Varsity Theater
5/13 Springfield, MO – Gillian Theatre
5/16 Colombus, OH – Athenaeum
5/17 Pittsburgh, PA – Mr. Smalls
5/18 Cincinnati, OH – Bogarts
5/19 Stroudsburg, PA – Sherman Theater
5/20 Baltimore, MD – Baltimore So

Keep up with Flagship here.

roaming herds of buffalo, the bugbears

roaming herds of buffalo, the bugbears

Roaming Herds Of Buffalo consists of William Cremin, Jared Fiechtner, Neal Flaherty, Scott Roots and Joe Shultz. Together the band makes dark music that makes you feel something, intensely. The band released a new album titled The Bugbears, an work that is thoughtful but takes you on a dark journey at the same time.

The album consists of 7 songs that can be classified as indie pop with a bit of rock. One of the songs from the album is called “Night Owl”, and it is a song that you can get up and dance to. The song takes a different tone from the rest of the album which is dark. “Winter Sun” sets the tone with its beat. The song has a rock vibe to it with a bit of a surf sound.

We’re floored by the album in its entirety, and know you will be too!

The Bugbears is available now.