Blues/folk/funk group Kings & Associates is starting the new year on the right foot, with a brand new video for their insanely beautiful track “Pabla’s Grace”. Filmed by David Resce, the video showcases the band’s incredible live performance aspect in a soulful, smoky setting that really allows their musicianship to take the forefront. When we got wind that “Pabla’s Grace” is song written in dedication to those suffering the often unspoken cruelty of mental illness, we were floored and inspired at the same time. Says the band, “There’s a dark world called mental illness only overshadowed by social stigmas and ignorance of its realty and effects. Living without the ability to trust your own actions is a reality many people have to bear. But we call them home.”
Let Kings & Associates take the stigma from the conversation, and let your ears become enveloped in a song that is smooth like honey, and just as comforting.
Keep up with Kings & Associates here.