Durham, North Carolina’s rock collective Hardworker – comprised of Sus Long, Mike Conner, Danny Nowell, and Alex Treyz – recently released a full length album titled Go Alone. Among the 11 high energy, folk-tinged rock, there is a standout track titled “Look More Like A Girl”, a track with a message we are 120% on board with. Starting with direct, quirky vocals and then bringing in a steady, catchy rhythm (and not to mention clapping), Hardworker has created a hip swaying track. With lyrics like “we gotta talk about your hair / and the message that it’s sending” and “why don’t you act more like a lady?” the song jabs at unwelcome comments that – unfortunately – women hear every single day. In its own way, the track is a feminist anthem, but it also comes from a place that makes it relatable, instead of coming off as the artist standing on a soap box. Especially with what’s been coming to the forefront in society – both in entertainment in the last week, and other industries overall -, “Look More Like A Girl” is done in a tasteful way, simply throwing these comments back into the world at everyone.
This track is a well-composed equalizer, and as a woman-led publication that aims to bring positive messages and conversations to the forefront in music, we thought it was important to bring your attention to this solid track – and complete album – by Hardworker.
Go Alone is available now. Keep up with Hardworker here.