Portland-based artist Care Again (Brandon Kerrigan) has just released an inspired new album titled Sit Outside. The album consists of 12 songs, all characterized by their eclectic tunes and catchy choruses.

Sit Outside is a culmination of ten years’ worth of music. The long-time musician shares that many of the musical components used in the album were written at the City College of San Francisco, using an upright piano in the music wing’s practice room. The music was produced by Dylan Magierek in the Badman Records Studio in Portland. A fun fact is that Kerrigan is a big-time fan of Magierek’s previous work STRFKR, released in 2008; he and his friends would listen to it religiously in high school. 

My personal favorite is “Allergies”. In the chorus:

The way you love me, the way you love me, 
it’s too disturbing, I need to rest in peace.
The way you love me, the way you love me, 
it’s too discerning, I need some room to breathe. 

Kerrigan compares his lover’s affection to that of seasonal allergies. This person is suffocating him with love, so much so that he would rather be left alone. If this song was a fable the moral of the story would be that too much of something, even if it is good, is a bad thing. I love the metaphorical meaning behind these lyrics. Everyone can relate to these lines, whether the affection is coming from a significant other, parent, or clingy pet!

And I cannot write a review on this album without mentioning the cover art. Most notable is the large tree in the middle of the cover, surrounded by yellowing leaves with a backdrop of a clear blue sky reflecting a pond below. The transparent font of the album title lets the background art do the talking. This psychedelic yet fresh and earthy cover is a perfect representation of all of Care Again’s songs. 

You can listen to the album on July 12th via physical copy, Spotify, Bandcamp, and careagainmusic.com. Follow Kerrigan on Instagram and subscribe to his YouTube channel to show some extra support!

Alycia Edquilang