by Kristian Gonzales | Oct 1, 2021 | videos, wolf tracks
Alternative rock band Keep It a Secret returns with their new single “Middle with My Thumbs Up”, as catharsis for listeners. With its mix of soul-piercing screams and whisper-esque vocals over a bombastic guitar-laden instrumental, the band captures the feeling of an emotional roller coaster as they lament over heartbreak and loves that were never quite meant to be. Over a chorus of “Left for dead, it takes time to get away”, the band reluctantly accepts a withdrawal from romance to escape a self-destructive cycle that could claim their sanity and any hope of starting anew. The opening line “I’ve been watching you destroy me” is a sign of infatuation morphing into a ticking time bomb of dependence. The band describes:
‘Middle with my Thumbs Up’ is a dichotic look back on the melancholy of lost love. Although seemingly separate emotions, anger and sadness are often a self-destructive loop that many people experience from heartbreak in all its forms. This song incorporates both intimate, almost whispered vocals and cathartic gritty yells to illustrate these feelings.
The video shows a masked couple in separate colors attempting to embrace within a decrepit household, which captures the realization of disconnect and blindness clouding a relationship. It’s as if one’s own love can end up haunting them and living inside as an unwanted guest for some time.
Check out the video for “Middle with my Thumbs Up” and be on the lookout for Keep It a Secret’s next project.
by Kristian Gonzales | Sep 28, 2021 | singles, videos, wolf tracks
In 2021, society feels hollow as people form barriers and images of themselves when forming new connections through the age of social media. Egghunt Records artist Alyssa Gengos trudges through productive routines at home as a shell of her vibrant self in the video for her upcoming single “Mechanical Sweetness”. The VHS-esque cinematography captures a sense of Alyssa’s inner vulnerabilities and yearning for true intimacy as she wanders around activities as if there’s a missing presence filling the void of energy in her life. The video provides a poignant contrast to the track’s sweet yet urgent feel with thumping drums and strings swelling in gradually as Alyssa pleads for an earnest relationship. The artist explains:
Mechanical Sweetness” is a song about my immense frustration with the way we form human (and more specifically, romantic) connections nowadays. Social media and dating apps have turned human interaction into a painful game. These digital ways of communication have caused me so much stress, and my attempts at forging relationships through them have been short-lived and veiled with thin layers of politeness. When the charade between two people who don’t really know each other finally ends, these relationships can be exposed for what they frequently are: unbalanced, unhealthy, and lacking compassion. Sonically, this song mirrors my experiences with largely digital relationships. In the beginning, there are quiet moments of sparse communication where anxiety runs high, eventually leading to an outburst of emotion followed by a period of insecurity and self-questioning.
Check out the video for “Mechanical Sweetness” and stay tuned for Alyssa’s next LP out in 2022.