KiSMiT delves into the sonic experience of “cosmic love”

KiSMiT delves into the sonic experience of “cosmic love”

Los Angeles-based indie pop duo (and real life couple) KiSMiT – Carly Barnette and Basti Reunert – has been blowing minds with their latest release, a 70s-inspired track titled “Cosmic Love”. So you know “we struck gold” with the music video for the track, which also plays off the nostalgic nature of the song. Carly and Basti spend the majority of the video making eyes at each other, frolicking in the desert in vintage-inspired outfits, layered in with shots of the two playing the song as if on a variety show. But whether they’re covered in glitter and seemingly glowing, transposed over images of the universe, or dancing around outside, these two are encouraging positive, fun, adventurous love with this video.

We were in such a good mood after watching the video that we decided to ask the duo a couple of questions about it all. So check out the video below, and then learn more about your new favorite power couple!

What is the first song or album you ever remember hearing, and who introduced it to you?

Carly: Definitely Jewel’s ‘Pieces of You’ – I knew all the words at 5 years old. My mom (going through a divorce at the time – shocker there!) had it on repeat in the car growing up. Something about her raw emotions just touched my little baby soul – #everydayangel (her super fan hashtag in case you didn’t know) ’til I croak. The album followed me throughout my life – first concert, first one I played at the piano – I look forward to the day I can look her in the eyes and thank her for her imprint on my life.

Baz: First album or song ever is a tough one to remember. The first song that I remember really catching me is ‘Hotel California’. It is a saga of a song not to mention the EPICALLY MELODIC GUITAR SOLOS!! My great uncle Freddy showed it to me on our drive from Palmdale to Santa Barbara, which, at 8 years old, was an epic journey of its own.

Your new video for “Cosmic Love” is so fun, and it has such a beautiful warmth to it! Where did the concept come from, and what was filming like? 

Carly: Thank you! We had so much damn fun making it – I’m thrilled that that comes through. It’s our first music video so it was a labor of love from start to finish. I’ve always dreamed of doing a music video and to have been able to make it happen with some of my favorite people was just beyond magical. I had the idea for the lyric “we wax and we wane – I just want more of the same” and thought of us sleeping – how we might start spooning but then roll over onto our backs or snuggle the other way and it fascinated me from a birds eye view that it mirrors the moon cycle. 

As “Cosmic Love” came to life musically that idea always lingered at the back of my mind. All of the music video brainstorming happened with Alex Cantatore (, our director / dear friend / upstairs neighbor at the time. We would lounge around in our apartments or chill out in the backyard and shoot ideas across at one another. Nothing was too big or crazy or extravagant and that was exhilarating! 

Baz: Having alien-planet-looking parts of California (Mono Lake, Red Rock Canyon, Death Valley) as such a blessing for our outer space ambitions on a shoe-string budget. 

Carly: Two worlds started to form: Our “SuperStar-Selves” (the best parts of our love: sexy, confident, fabulous); & Pleasant-ville meets desert – Desertville (the day-to-day, mundane and less flattering but very real flip side to a loving relationship). This first music video presented an opportunity to share another side of us. We wanted to be as honest as possible with the partnership we are putting on display – it’s magic and muddy all wrapped up into a a beautiful mess. 

What inspired the track itself, if we might ask?

Baz: Sonically, it comes about from a mixture of sounds inspired by Allen Stone’s Freedom (Alternate Version), Andra Day’s Mistakes and Daft Punk’s Get Lucky. (Pharrell, if you’re reading this, you better not come after our money! We didn’t steal your song!) Lyrically, ‘Cosmic Love’ is derived from us wanting to remember that the day-to-day of loving and working together has many twists and turns, warm and cold moments and all of it is part of the ride.

Carly: We wanted to make something that was bursting with love and vitality from the first beat, that, most importantly, made me move. If my booty is shaking, there’s definitely a smile on my face and that was important with this new direction of our music. 

How do you imagine people listening to this track? (In an armchair, surrounded by flowers in a meadow? In an airplane with cotton candy clouds? Sitting at a BBQ? You can get creative here if you want!)

Baz: I picture people who are on the move listening to the song: in their car, getting ready to go out, exercising.

Carly: Such a fun question – I hope people are listening to it while they are making dinner – bottle of wine open, dancing in the kitchen -that sort of vibe. Also, before you’re going out – a social, pump-up vibe would make me reaaaaally excited. I know my grammy listens to it on repeat while she drives – so in the car for sure (#sola) okay okay subway too!!! 

Any pet peeves or interesting stories you’d like to shed light on about each other? (We want all your secrets!) 

Carly: Oh DANG – first time we’ve been asked to spill the dirt! After 5 years of living and loving together, I think I can divulge just one…. homeboy sleeps with earplugs (such sensitive angel earbuds) and when I wake up in the morning, they are always near me, around me, on me, without fail like stickers on my body – really haven’t vented about this, thanks for letting me get it out. Baz, you’ve got to work on that situation. But, if that’s the top of the list of annoyances, I would say,”Hell yeah! I’m a lucky gal.” Interesting story about Baz, that his modest South African self would never share and one that continually blows my mind, is that he picked up the guitar with serious interest and investment at 16. Like whaaaaaaat!?! I am so inspired by his dedication to his passion. He is always down in the studio in soft pants slapping da bass or producing or findling on the guitar and that is something I admire so much! 

Baz: Well, I’m beaten for age by Carly’s flawless performance as Annie, with a 101 degree fever, at age 9. Her gran sent us the DVD of the performance and the sparkle has always been there. (Car, while you are sleeping tonight I will be sure to rest the earbuds on your eyelids.)

What’s your opinion on the modern music industry?

Baz: It is constantly evolving, especially how people are digesting music. The ability that everyone has to get their music heard and to find their audience is unprecedented. The niche markets are able support more indie artists than ever before. The major challenge is, of course, in that music streaming has greatly halted the flow of money to the artists, but when there is change in the weather, you best adapt and get on with it, the world isn’t going to stop for you. Again I’ll say, the major pro of the modern day music industry is how easy it is to connect with people of similar taste around the world.

Carly: Yeah, I will second the positive wind in our sails. It’s daunting to be investing in a career where the return isn’t guaranteed. So much of the conversation is the same “no money in music”, which I understand that that’s the truth but my mom started her own business when she was pregnant with me (talk about inspiration) and has always preached that when you are doing what you are meant to be doing, support always comes, I really believe that. I think in a lot of way it’s a super empowering time to be in this industry – no more waiting around for someone to find you or holding your breath for luck. Do the work, get your music & content as proud of it as you possibly can be, get it out there and what is meant to be will be. 

However black & white as the social media “highlights reel” may seem sometimes – I think we are also getting to a point where if you are fake, it comes through. As an artist, there’s no hiding behind an image because daily you are sharing what you ate for breakfast, how you feel, who and what you support. It’s overwhelming and I need to unplug on the regular but I don’t think we even know what we are living through yet! 

On an emotional level – our country, world, humankind is hurting right now, every day we put on our armor to the outside world that feels like it’s falling apart and to be contributing music as a soundtrack through these scary times, is something I am so grateful for. 

Anything else you’d like to add?

We have a new single ‘Panther’ coming out later this month – the second release off of our upcoming EP coming out next February as well as an upcoming show at Harvard & Stone in Los Angeles on November 21st at 10pm. Thanks so much for taking the time & interest to share our story! 


Keep your eyes peeled for “Panther” and updates on KiSMiT here.

scorpio rising: we are scorpio unleashes a sonic storm with debut anthem

scorpio rising: we are scorpio unleashes a sonic storm with debut anthem

Detroit’s rock scene is getting set ablaze! We Are Scorpio, the fierce duo of Jessica Care moore and Steffanie Christi’an, have dropped their latest single “Scorpio” like a meteor crashing into the music world. This song is a battle cry for diversity in rock and a poetic punch to the gut of the status quo.

“We are the storm, the fury in your eyes,” howls the chorus, and believe us, this is no empty threat. We Are Scorpio comes armed with searing guitars, thunderous rhythms, and lyrics sharp enough to cut through the noise of a thousand pretenders. The track pulsates with the duality of its namesake sign – at once fierce and magnetic, confrontational and alluring.

Forget your typical rock fare. We Are Scorpio serves up a potent cocktail of spoken word and hard-hitting riffs that’ll leave you dizzy. “This is no place for ordinary,” they declare, daring listeners to step out of their comfort zones. From family dinner rebellions to cosmic contemplations, “Scorpio” weaves the personal and universal into a tapestry of empowerment.

Make no mistake – this is more than music. It’s a revolution. Jessica Care moore, Steffanie Christi’an, and featured artist Militia Vox are here to remind us that Black women aren’t just part of rock’s history – they are its future. Their collaboration isn’t just fresh; it’s necessary, proving that rock thrives when it embraces diverse voices and experiences.

Mark your calendars, rock fans. Their self-titled album, co-produced by none other than Talib Kweli, crashes onto the scene on August 16 via Javotti Media. Want a taste of the venom live? Catch We Are Scorpio at the Black Bottom Live Music Series (August 7) and the 20 Years of Black Women Rock! celebration at The Fillmore (August 31).

Don’t just stand there – dive into the storm! Stream “Scorpio” now on all major platforms and pre-order the album that’s set to redefine rock. We Are Scorpio isn’t just making music; they’re crafting an experience. Miss this, and you’re missing history in the making. Are you ready to embrace the sting?

thunderpussy’s whitney talks finding her sonic soulmate and puppies in the green room ahead of performance at riot room in kc

thunderpussy’s whitney talks finding her sonic soulmate and puppies in the green room ahead of performance at riot room in kc

If you have not witnessed the glory that is Thunderpussy – live or otherwise – it’s time to wake up. We had a chance to glimpse their live performance tactics at this year’s Sasquatch Music Festival, and we were absolutely blown away as they upstaged the other performances going on around them. Seattle-based, this all-female band – expertly comprised of Molly Sides (Vocals), Whitney Petty (Guitar), Leah Julius (Bass), and Ruby Dunphy (Drums) – is taking their chops to the road, giving North America a taste of their high energy, brilliantly colored stage presence and gorgeous rock music. We’re about to join the party at Riot Room on Tuesday night, and we got the unique experience of asking guitar extraordinaire Whitney Petty some questions leading up to the tour. Check out the brief moment we got, as she explained finding her musical soulmate and creating tantalizing melodies.

Let’s get back to the basics. What was the first song or album you ever remember listening to, and do you think it has any impact on who you are as a performer today?

When I was 12 I bought my first Aerosmith CD, Nine Lives, it had just come out. I still know every word and nuance of each song on that record. I am still totally in love with Steven Tyler. Aerosmith are a huge influence on me.

While you’re busy “piercing the walls of Valhalla”, does anything about your conception story strike you as amazing? Was it a meet cute? Tell us about your beginnings!

Well, meeting Molly was an incredible event in my life. It’s a singular feeling when you meet your soulmate. And like I said, I love Aerosmith. I had always hoped that one day I meet my musical accomplice, like the Steven to my Joe. That’s Molly.

What is the recording process like? 

It depends on the song, but there is usually always a melody first. Sometimes that melody is on the guitar, and sometimes it is with a lyric. Each song kind of has its own DNA.

You put out your s/t EP in May, and it’s absolutely captivating. Any personal or behind the scenes anecdotes from the recording process you’d like to share?

Working with Sylvia was a dream. Everyone learned so much about the process from her everyday. We should have had a film crew with us in the ‘Real World Ashland house’, as we called it. One of the highlights was recording Young and Pure very live and very stoned (as per Sylvia’s request) in the dark at the very end of the session. There is some magic on that track!

Anyone have a favorite song off of that EP, or something you prefer to perform?

There isn’t any song on there that we don’t like to perform, but some are more lively than others! Velvet Noose is always thrilling, and we all love to play Torpedo. With three distinct parts it’s always a journey…

We got the unique pleasure of witnessing you perform at Sasquatch earlier this year. How does festival life compare to your regular touring life? Is there something you prefer or dislike more?

CATERING. Is what’s up. Festivals are rad!! We love getting to meet artists and see big shows up close and personal.

And. Your OUTFITS. Are you always that bedazzled? What inspired that choice for Sasquatch? (We are in love.)

Yes!!! We love the glam;) Shout out to Pakio Galore out of Seattle, who makes a lot of our costumes. Molly is very instrumental in the vision of how we present ourselves onstage. And who doesn’t love a good color theme?!

When you need time to regroup – to conquer writer’s block or find your new sound or take a minute – where do you go? What’s your safe haven?

Molly and I love nature. We go to the mountains fairly often, in Idaho. And I love Kauai, when I can get there. But there is no place like our native Seattle!!!

Any fun pre-performance rituals?

Drink the blood of virgins, sacrifice a goat, that kind of thing…

Your rider list is probably pretty modest compared to, say, J.Lo. But if you could have anything on your rider list, what would you do?

Kittens and puppies in the green room, obv.

Something a little off-kilter… Do you believe in intuition and. the power of psychics? Why or why not?

Of course. I believe in the collective unconscious and synchronicity. I believe in Karma. I think there is a subtlety to life and events that many people perceive and many miss.


Don’t forget to head out to Riot Room on the 16th to enjoy the magic of Thunderpussy’s live performance, and keep up with them here.

littrell unleashes “dirty” – a visceral genre-blurring masterstroke

littrell unleashes “dirty” – a visceral genre-blurring masterstroke

For those weary of pop’s increasingly homogenized soundscapes, the Indianapolis duo LITTRELL emerges as a refreshing antidote. Their latest single, “Dirty,” doesn’t just defy genres—it blends them seamlessly, creating a uniquely turbulent and immersive sonic experience

“Dirty” combines a haunting atmosphere with intense energy, placing LITTRELL among forward-thinking acts like Massive Attack, Portishead, and BANKS. Lindsay Littrell’s vocal performance walks a tightrope between urgency and haunting restraint, perfectly anchored by Garrett Langebartels’ masterful production.

At its core, “Dirty” explores the inherent messiness of intimacy, rejecting idealized notions of love in favor of raw, complex emotions, in spite of their messiness. The song’s thematic complexity is mirrored in its sound, showcasing LITTRELL’s ability to craft a sound that’s both beautiful and haunting.

LITTRELL’s lyrics delve into the discomfort of shallow relationships. The opening lines, “I don’t wanna be your respite from reality / When you go you leave the ashes of your fantasies,” set the stage for a song that craves genuine connections over escapism. The chorus, “They don’t keep me warm / They just pile up on the floor / And leave me feelin’ dirty,” highlights the emptiness left by temporary comforts. 

“Dirty” demands active engagement from its listeners, encouraging them to dive deep into its disquieting themes. LITTRELL understands that true catharsis comes from confronting the messiness head-on and finding transformation on the other side.

“Dirty” is one of 2024’s most compelling releases, challenging the polished, PR-driven mainstream with its bold, unfiltered approach. This track serves as a reminder that impactful art leaves a mark and invites listeners to explore deeper emotions.

LITTRELL has crafted a sound that is both beautiful and moody, with dark electronic elements. With lyrics and songwriting that cut through surface-level platitudes to grapple with deeper existential questions around sincerity, truth, and meaning, Lindsay Littrell and Garrett Langebartels have tapped into something truly unique as songwriters and producers. “Dirty” is a captivating single for fans of alternative and electronic music who appreciate lyrical depth and emotional resonance. Dive into the world of LITTRELL and let “Dirty” envelop you in its raw, emotional embrace.

tele novella, merlynn belle

tele novella, merlynn belle

Is there a better way to describe the type of genre-bending, nostalgia-brimming sonic experience Texas-based pop duo Tele Novella delivers than to call it, simply, “whimsical?” This can be said for the entirety of their first full-length release, a ten-track piece titled Merlynn Belle. Sure, the very pointed pop, folk, and psychedelic influences leap quite fluidly from one to the other, but there is a type of theatrical quality to their delivery that makes even spooky nuances in their tracks feel positive and hopeful.

Except “Crystal Witch.” That is still very intense and largely dark. But, if you choose to enjoy the short 3 minutes and 9 seconds this track takes up, you’ll still feel that theatrical positivity by the end. (Don’t ask. We don’t make the rules.)

It’s no surprise that the duo’s sound is so reminiscent of past beauty, either. The premise of their art is that it comes from a town – Lockhart, Texas, specifically – that is “a small town, lost in time.” Lyrics like “Send me a postcard when you get to” (Words That Stay), “I’ve got her bonnet and her gloves” (One Little Pearl), and “In my Technicolor Town” (Technicolor Town) reaffirm the fact that the music is to have come from that time, and is not just heavily influenced by that trend. However, the duo has done a stand-up job at making sure the majority of the lyrics translate and are not tied to one timeframe or one particular circumstance.

One overarching theme to this album is that it is there to paint a picture. Where the lyrics wouldn’t indicate context in some ways, the bassline and cadence paint their own pictures. This is truly an audio adventure, meant to be enjoyed in order, from beginning to end.

At just 32 minutes long, we have faith you can set aside some time for this energetic and truly phenomenal release in its entirety.

the lampshades, “astrology ii”

the lampshades, “astrology ii”

Allow us to shed a little light on the subject: today, The Lampshades are dropping their brand new single, “Astrology II”, which appears on their upcoming LP, Astrology. The Pittsburgh-based trio is made up of lead vocalist Jaren Love (who also plays guitar), drums by Daren Adelman, and Chris Kibler on bass. The inter-genre group puts out absolutely authentic and unique music, and “Astrology II” is no exception, as well as the rest of their forthcoming record.

“Astrology II” is unlike any song you’ve heard before; it is beautifully chaotic. With an almost eerie, otherworldly melody, this track fits it’s space-themed title perfectly. About 3:30 in, the song takes the listener for a spin with a surprising fiddling solo, but it works. It’s the kind of song you have to listen to more than once to fully appreciate. “Astrology II” is truly a unique sonic experience.

The Lampshade’s fifth full-length record, Astrology, will be released on March 23, but until then, be one of the firsts to give “Astrology II” a listen today!

Stay connected with The Lampshades here.

yonaka ascends to new heights with single “give me my halo”

yonaka ascends to new heights with single “give me my halo”

“Give Me My Halo” by Yonaka is a real gem of a song that hits you right in the feels. It’s all about finding your inner strength, breaking free from the shackles of your past, and owning your true self. It dives deep into the struggles and desires we all face on our journey to personal growth and self-acceptance.

From the moment the song starts, listeners are captivated by the pulsating rhythm. The melody rises and falls, creating a sense of anticipation and reflecting the emotional highs and lows that the lyrics delve into. It’s a sonic journey that pulls listeners in and keeps them hooked until the very end.

But the chorus, oh boy, it’s the heart of the song. “Let hell rain down on my life and allow me to grow. Burn away the parts you don’t like, I don’t care anymore. I wanna feel untouchable.” These words hit hard. They strike a chord deep within, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions. They express a desire to transcend the limitations imposed by society, to break free from self-doubt and insecurity. It’s an anthem of empowerment that inspires individuals to embrace their inner strength and stand tall in the face of adversity. 

The bridge brings it home with a beautiful metaphor. “When the tide comes crashing in and I’ve got nothing left to give, will you deem me fit to swim and will you water me?” It’s like asking for support when you’re at your lowest, hoping someone will believe in you and help you keep going. We’ve all been there, and it’s comforting to hear it put into words.

As the song progresses, the intensity of the beat and the emotional depth of the lyrics intertwine, creating a profound musical experience. The combination of Yonaka’s passionate vocals and the driving instrumentals evokes a sense of liberation and encourages listeners to embrace their authenticity.

In a nutshell, “Give Me My Halo” is a song that speaks to our inner struggles and aspirations. It’s about finding strength, embracing our true selves, and asking for support when we need it most. It’s a reminder to break free, rise above, and shine with our own unique light. So go ahead, crank up the volume, and let this song resonate deep within your soul. 

xadi’s ‘black rock’ explores the shadows of dark ambiance

xadi’s ‘black rock’ explores the shadows of dark ambiance

Xadi‘s “Black Rock” EP is a captivating musical journey that delves into dark ambiance, effortlessly blending catchy and chill elements. With its personal anecdotes and explorations of drug usage, Xadi weaves a tapestry of experiences that transcends racial boundaries, touching the hearts of listeners from all walks of life.

The EP’s main track, aptly titled “Black Rock,” stands out as a powerful statement that challenges preconceived notions about the relationship between music and race. The quote, “I didn’t know that music had a [sic] colour,” encapsulates the essence of this song and its overarching message. Xadi’s ability to create a sonic landscape that resonates with anyone and everyone, irrespective of their racial background, is truly remarkable.

The EP opens with a dark and haunting aura that immediately sets the tone for the introspective journey ahead. The production values are top-notch, showcasing Xadi’s skill in creating atmospheric soundscapes that immerse the listener. The combination of electronic elements, ethereal vocals, and carefully crafted beats creates a hypnotic experience that draws you in from the very first note.

One of the EP’s greatest strengths lies in its catchiness. Despite exploring deep and personal themes, Xadi manages to infuse the tracks with memorable hooks and melodies that stick with you long after the music ends. This balance between introspection and accessibility is a testament to Xadi’s artistry and ability to create music that can be enjoyed by a wide range of listeners.

“Black Rock” is also an EP filled with personal anecdotes and adventures. Xadi’s storytelling ability shines through as he shares his experiences with drug addiction, painting vivid pictures of struggle, redemption, and personal growth. The lyrics are thought-provoking and introspective, inviting listeners to reflect on their own lives and experiences.

As a black British music artist, Xadi brings a unique perspective to his music. While the EP addresses themes that are deeply rooted in his personal journey, the emotions and messages conveyed have a universal appeal. Xadi’s artistry transcends racial boundaries, touching upon shared human experiences that resonate with anyone willing to listen and empathize.

dreaming in technicolor: luna aura’s psychedelic pop delight, “candy colored daydream”

dreaming in technicolor: luna aura’s psychedelic pop delight, “candy colored daydream”

Step into the enchanting realm of Luna Aura, where cosmic melodies and electrifying beats collide. With her ethereal voice and magnetic energy, Luna defies expectations and creates a sound uniquely her own. Brace yourself for a sonic journey like no other, as Luna Aura’s latest single, “Candy Colored Daydream,” paints vivid musical landscapes that transport you to a world of vibrant imagination. 

In “Candy Colored Daydream,” Luna Aura delves into a realm of self-discovery and empowerment, navigating the highs and lows of life’s journey. The lyrics “The highs, the lows, the fast, the slow. It’s plucking at my feathers, I just wanna let it go” poetically express the emotional turbulence experienced, symbolized by the metaphorical plucking of feathers, as Luna longs to release and find inner peace.

Musically, the song is a masterful fusion of genres, blending elements of pop, electronic, and alternative sounds. Luna’s innovative approach to production and arrangement infuses the track with an infectious energy, making it impossible to resist moving to the rhythm.

The song reflects Luna Aura’s quest for liberation and confidence in a world that can be overwhelming and filled with challenges. It serves as a call to embrace one’s vulnerabilities, allowing for personal growth and the pursuit of authenticity. Through “Candy Colored Daydream,” Luna Aura invites listeners to join her in letting go of burdens and embracing the freedom to be true to oneself.

Upcoming Tour Dates:
9/15 – Wallingford, CT @ The Dome at Oakdale
9/16 – Huntington, NY @ The Paramount
9/18 – North Myrtle Beach, SC @ House of Blues
9/19 – Orlando, FL @ House of Blues
9/21 – Huntsville, AL @ Mars Music Hall
9/22 – Louisville, KY @ Louder Than Life Festival
9/24 – Houston, TX @ House of Blues
9/25 – Dallas, TX @ House of Blues
9/27 – Albuquerque, NM @ Marquee Theatre
10/1 – San Diego, CA @ House of Blues
10/3 – Riverside, CA @ Riverside Municipal Auditorium
10/5 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern
10/8 – Sacramento, CA @ Aftershock Festival