pearla, “somewhere”
If you’re looking for the best way to burst onto the music scene, you’ve got to captivate your audience. Be it by surprise, a unique sound, an intrinsically relatable song, or otherwise, there has to be a hook. Brooklyn-based musician Pearla has done just that, evoking a sense of childlike wonder in the simplistic and beautiful sounds of her new track “Somewhere”. “‘Somewhere’ is about feeling like a child and being completely thrown off by the real world,” she explains. “It’s about feeling lost and out of control, but trying desperately to trust the universe.”
It doesn’t seem as though she has missed the mark on a single aspect of the track, as it builds up slowly, allowing her to showcase the lightweight and ethereal nature of her vocal range before hitting a plateau where she really has to bring out the big guns. Her ability to hold a high note, to make the listener really feel with just her voice, is remarkable and not something you come across every day. Check out “Somewhere” below, and let us know what you think!
Keep up with Pearla here.