darro | strong

darro | strong

Here’s a little playlist of some of my favorite songs over the years. These are the type of songs I can listen over and over on repeat (and I have) and all of them just pull you in from the very beginning. They all evoke a certain strong emotion and are all driven by strong melodies and strong guitar parts. Each one of these songs have been an obsession of mine at some point during my career.

darro | r&b influence

darro | r&b influence

This is a playlist blending my R&B influences. It may not show very much in my own music but I’m a huge R&B fan. Most of the vocal melodies I hear in my head stem from R&B artists, (it doesn’t mean I can actually sing them though!). This is a mixture of old and modern R&B songs and shows how my nostalgia can go down a rabbit hole of music. Music has the ability to make you feel very many different ways, but I think creating and retaining memories is one of the most vital reason we listen to music.

Keep up with Darro here.