stephen rubinosky, “slow hands” {niall horan cover}
Solo musician Stephen Rubinosky might just be starting out with his craft – his debut release is a fun acapella cover of Niall Horan’s behemoth of a soulful pop song “Slow Hands” – but he’s showing he’s got the chops to support a long-lasting career. He recently released the cover as music video depicting several screens of acapella recordings, and it’s absolutely mesmerizing. Working with contrasting colors – white backdrops with blocks of color made of black, red, and gray shirts – the video is simple, but easy to watch, as Rubinosky’s dancing and choreographed movements entice the watcher to dance along. Plus, it lets his new audience really get to know him, as we are exposed to 16 frames of Stephen as he serenades us.
Stephen Rubinosky will be opening for Drake Bell at Club Diesel on December 3rd. Tickets are available now. Keep up with him here.