deck the imperfect {fifth} halls | a holiday soundtrack

deck the imperfect {fifth} halls | a holiday soundtrack

We’ve been in the holiday spirit on and off all year, if you’re truly asking me. Every once in a while on a Friday, we have been known to break out into a rendition of a 98 Degrees Christmas song, or to envision the Hanson boys singing “Run Run Rudolph” directly at us. And this year, we wanted to acknowledge and highlight the alternatives to our “classic” options – and the real OG options by Sinatra and the like – so you have something a little bit different, but just as historically magical, to share with your holiday crowds and hordes of friends!

We will continue to update it as we see fit, so check back for more!

Have any holiday track suggestions for us? Share on social media with #imperfectfifth and we might just add your song selections to our soundtrack!

darcys, “another log on the fire”

darcys, “another log on the fire”

As we slug through the final week of 2017, we might find it more fulfilling to be sitting by the fire instead of working or doing really anything productive. But it’s those cozy nights that can lead to some of the most magical ideas. So we implore you to add “Another Log On The Fire” like our good friends the Darcys, and see what comes from the warmth and fire inside you as you prep for 2018.

All metaphors aside, Canada’s pop/rock duo Darcys – comprised of Jason Couse & Wes Marskell – has been on our radar for a hot second, and we’re thrilled that they released a song to go along with our holiday mood. Bringing a crawling, beautiful, soulful vibe to the holidays, “Another Log On The Fire” just might be your new favorite wintertime track. Try it on for size. You might find it on repeat for a while…

Keep up with the Darcys here!