Sometimes we find a song or a video or an album that we want to talk about. Whether it’s something we found, something that found us, a premiere, whatever. We will clarify, of course, but this is where you can find those.

**My dad came up with the title of this one. He’s a clever man whose wheels got turning when I said an “imperfect fifth” could also be called a “wolf interval” or “wolf fifth.”

kaz murphy, ride out the storm

kaz murphy, ride out the storm

Kaz Murphy's music is about as Americana as it gets, and his newest release Ride Out The Storm is no exception.  This folk artist's sound is that of the old west, forming stories with each lyric and melodic refrain.  Kaz has had an illustrious career, stemming from...

spectator, “waves”

spectator, “waves”

Megan Rooney and Jeffrey Albert project their emotionally vibrant lyricism into the ether with the latest single, "Waves", from their musical project Spectator. As Albert implores the object of his affection to take him "on a ride on the other side of [their] mind,"...

dbuk, songs nine through sixteen

dbuk, songs nine through sixteen

With their new 8-track album Songs Nine Through Sixteen, Denver-based psych folk rock collective DBUK provides a vitality to the cold winter weather that is incredibly welcoming, especially in the frozen tundra of the midwest. "Bonnie Clyde, The Big-Bull-Hen Of The...

jealous of the birds, wisdom teeth

jealous of the birds, wisdom teeth

We've been lucky enough to have explored the talents of Jealous of the Birds in the past, but today we're thrilled to share one of our favorite new EPs. Jealous of the Birds has released a vintage-tinged bevy of gorgeous work for our ears to soak up in the quiet...

lost cousins, in scenery

lost cousins, in scenery

Indie Psych trio Lost Cousins - comprised of Cam Duffin, Thomas Dashney, and Lloyd McArton - has released their full-length, an album titled In Scenery. There is not a moment of disappointment with this album, as they make sure to ignite it in its entirety with an...

the moth &the flame, ruthless

the moth &the flame, ruthless

The Moth & The Flame have returned to the forefront of alt-pop with the release of their new album Ruthless. The Provo, Utah natives have channeled immense depression and anxiety into their new release, and it comes through in waves of pop synths and harrowing...

jr slayer, you found me

jr slayer, you found me

February 2019 is off to a wild start, especially with today's release of You Found Me, the full-length from Cody Votolato's latest project JR Slayer. “JR Slayer in its current form is a sacred home for me," admits Votolato. "It is a safe space to start new...