Sometimes we find a song or a video or an album that we want to talk about. Whether it’s something we found, something that found us, a premiere, whatever. We will clarify, of course, but this is where you can find those.

**My dad came up with the title of this one. He’s a clever man whose wheels got turning when I said an “imperfect fifth” could also be called a “wolf interval” or “wolf fifth.”

wrinkles, “thunderstorm”

wrinkles, “thunderstorm”

Indie rock band Wrinkles puts an emphasis on carefree fun in the music video for their latest single, “Thunderstorm.” In the depths of a Montana winter, we see the five-piece band put their house to the test as they gather every blanket, pillow, tool, and instrument...

iyves, “gold” (acoustic)

iyves, “gold” (acoustic)

Recently, Brooklyn-based musician IYVES - the moniker for R&B artist Hannah Taxman - released the acoustic version of her soulful track "Gold". Her vocal range delicately and gorgeously takes the forefront with this production, where she plays with dissonance...

thomas kozumplik, child of the earth

thomas kozumplik, child of the earth

Composer and performer Thomas Kozumplik leads a 16-member orchestra in a riveting  performance of instrumental artistry with his latest project, Child of the Earth. “Mother Nature (la inocencia pérdida)” is quite an attention-grabbing opening — with the cacophony of...

forever x2, forever x2

forever x2, forever x2

Forever X2's new self-titled 6 track EP is thrilling, from the very first, edge-tinged lines of "Keep the Devil Waiting" through the last, soothing notes of far more ethereal sounding "Forever Times Two". The four tracks between are simply the well-rounded center of...

manzanita falls, “windows”

manzanita falls, “windows”

Indie rock outfit Manzanita Falls - Jeremy McCarten (Guitar, Vocals), Cameron Morris (Drums), Matt Robinson (Bass), Ross Barbieri (Guitar, Vocals) - releases their new music video for "Windows" today, and we've got your first look! Charming, well thought out, and...

james world, “funny dreams”

james world, “funny dreams”

Today, we have the insane pleasure of premiering alt-rock collective James World's latest visual gem for the title track off their upcoming album Funny Dreams. Beginning in a rural community walking down the street, you get a feeling that something is a-brewing if not...

the shootouts, quick draw

the shootouts, quick draw

Ohio-based band The Shootouts’ debut album Quick Draw is the ultimate throwback to the age of honky-tonk in America. Every detail, from the lyrics to the vocals to the instruments to the album cover art, hearkens back to the good old days of classic country music. The...