Sometimes we find a song or a video or an album that we want to talk about. Whether it’s something we found, something that found us, a premiere, whatever. We will clarify, of course, but this is where you can find those.

**My dad came up with the title of this one. He’s a clever man whose wheels got turning when I said an “imperfect fifth” could also be called a “wolf interval” or “wolf fifth.”

gavin haley, “long game”

gavin haley, “long game”

The newest single from one of the freshest names rising in pop is titled “Long Game” – an apt expression of 22-year-old singer/songwriter Gavin Haley’s dedication to making it work. “Long Game” simmers and twinkles, finger snaps and pop-anthem beats clicking along...

marloe., “ruminate”

marloe., “ruminate”

Brisbane-based indie artist MARLOE. is coming in hot with new music, and we emerge from the experience as though spring is on its way. But truly, allow yourself to melt into this premiere. You just might find yourself reminiscing on that gorgeous warm weather love, or...

aniiml, oh awe

aniiml, oh awe

In true ANIIML fashion, we've got a full-length release today that will spike your senses, beginning with the all-caps nature of the song titles. OH AWE is a 10-track stunner of an album that perfectly showcases the self-proclaimed "avante witch-pop" singer/songwriter...

kills birds, kills birds

kills birds, kills birds

On Friday, Kills Birds released a self-titled full length that is sure to keep you on your toes. From the very first frantic chords of "Worthy Girl" to the last lines of ninth track "Ok Hurricane", there is equal parts surf pop and punk influence in this alternative...

the berries, berryland

the berries, berryland

The Berries' sophomore release -- a full-length titled Berryland -- is something of a commodity right now, as its focus on guitar riffs and an all-encompassing vibe has us begging for more. Mastermind Matt Berry has created a ten track masterpiece, that effortlessly...

throwaway, what?

throwaway, what?

This year, we had the insane pleasure of sitting down to chat with Throwawy for an imperfect Fifth podcast recording session. In fact, it was our very first one. We were honored then to speak with her, and even more honored now to be laser focused on her most recent...

dori freeman, every single star

dori freeman, every single star

Dori Freeman’s new album titled Every Single Star is a perfect follow up to her 2016 break out year. Produced by Teddy Thompson this album features a sparkling voice over simplistic instrumentals allowing her Appalachian style to fully shine through. The powerful way...