Sometimes we find a song or a video or an album that we want to talk about. Whether it’s something we found, something that found us, a premiere, whatever. We will clarify, of course, but this is where you can find those.

**My dad came up with the title of this one. He’s a clever man whose wheels got turning when I said an “imperfect fifth” could also be called a “wolf interval” or “wolf fifth.”

oij, “seconds away from love”

oij, “seconds away from love”

The seriously talented OIJ is taking centre stage with another new single release. He has had great successes with his Wabi Sabi EP and "Back To The Start" featuring GIA KOKA, and now brings us "Seconds Away From Love." It takes a fresh direction to some of his...

slenderbodies, “king”

slenderbodies, “king”

In the mood for a staccato, soulful, slow burner to really enjoy as you wind down this week? How about trying "King" by slenderbodies on for size? The lightweight feel of the vocals is absolutely divine, with little hints of MJ strewn about, while the instrumentals...

izzy escobar, “warrior”

izzy escobar, “warrior”

Singer/songwriter Izzy Escobar has been through quite a bit to get to where she is in life, let alone in her music career. With vocals that incite goosebumps, she approaches her work with a sense of self that is hard to find within today's bevy of artists. Her new...

fox and bones, better land

fox and bones, better land

Folk pop duo Fox and Bones - comprised of Sarah Vitort and Scott Gilmore - lays the groundwork for a fun, adventure-filled album from the very first lines of Better Land's initial track "Little Animal", which boasts the feeling of a mid-album track, tempo having...

yvr, “messy”

yvr, “messy”

Los Angeles-based pop duo YVR recently released their new stunner of a track "Messy", with a soundscape that couldn't be less so. Pounding bass sets the tone, Courtney Jenae's ethereal vocals make the track almost seem otherworldly. While the lyrics warn of a messy...