by Meredith Schneider | Dec 12, 2019 | soundtrack, videos
The holidays are fast approaching, but the music industry is not showing any signs of slowing down on new releases. We’re keeping some new music videos close as our favorite new visuals, and want to share them with you. (As if it’s new… been doing it for a while now. But you know that. Of course.) We’ve got some great ones from Brooke Candy, Vanessa Carlton, Colony House, Bleed From Within, and more, so check it out now and perhaps swing back around later for more!
Come back for more all month!
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 12, 2019 | premieres, videos
Atlanta-based rock collective Lesibu Grand is comin’ atcha hot with a new music video for their single “Runnin’ Round” today, and we have the exclusive premiere. The video matches the energy of the track, bringing in quite a number of humorous shenanigans from the band members themselves, while lead vocalist Tyler-Simone Molton adventures around town on a scooter. Bright pops of animation and an incredible kaleidoscope of colors makes this all the more fun and fancy-free. Check it out below, and let us know your thoughts on Facebook!
The Legend of Miranda was released on October 4th. Keep up with Lesibu Grand here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 10, 2019 | videos, wolf tracks
“Adah” is Act I of the short film “WIDOW” by Crywolf. It is both a music video and an ominous, dark vignette from this incredible talent. Spoken poetry, with dark visuals and an established intensity that rivals classic horror films. What the artists involved have done with this gorgeous music piece is one of the most remarkable things we have seen this year yet. And this isn’t it, either. His full-length is gorgeous, and Act II of the film was released first and is available with the track “Mabul“.
Admits Crywolf of the 3 part series:
The series tells the story of a man’s descent into madness. He loses his mind and, thinking he is being directed by an angelic force, ends up killing the very thing he loves most. When he realizes what he has done, he’s devastated and jumps off a pier to escape. It turns out (in the third video) that he can’t die, and he is still haunted by the memory of his lover.
It’s a metaphor for my own struggle with mental illness, and the tumultuous realities of life as an artist. Pursuing these ethereal and magnificent concepts is so captivating, but can sometimes drive you to the edge of your sanity, and can cause you to hurt the things you love most… whether that is people around you, or parts of yourself. But, as the third act shows, those things are never really gone. They live on and won’t leave until they are accepted and integrated.
Written and Directed by Crywolf and Roniit | Cinematography by Roniit | Edited by Roniit and Crywolf | Coloring by Devin Schiro | Additional Footage from Shelby Parks
Keep up with Crywolf here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 10, 2019 | videos, wolf tracks
Burgeoning artist Talker releases her new music video for single “Learning the Feeling” today, and we’ve been anticipating this release for quite some time. We were lucky enough to speak with Talker in our podcast this year, and we’re thrilled with the new music she’s been releasing. Powerful, transformative, badass. When you realize the theme of anxiety and hidden emotion, this song — and its accompanying video — feels like a particularly beautiful release. And all of that is just multiplied with the new visual. Follow one of your new favorite artists as she wields a baseball bat, angsty vocals, and a jumpsuit.
Just the perfect amount of attitude.
Keep up with Talker here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 6, 2019 | videos, wolf tracks
Eyedress‘ new video for “Jealous” visually matches its audio counterpart, as it is equal parts west coast surf/skate rock and 60s-inspired psych, all culminated in a video that brings with it a very specific vintage appeal. It looks like a Nirvana throwback, 90s MTV vibes and all. As Eyedress plays guitar up and down the coast, we also witness some rad boarding skills, brah. 😉
We’re fans. Even the jackets make it feel a bit less wintry around here.
Keep up with Eyedress here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 4, 2019 | premieres, videos
Though it’s been a hot minute since a picture made released their latest record Heal on Gooodspeeed Records, the four Kansas and Missouri bred rockers continue to deliver delight from that particular release. Today, we bring you the music video for their single “Music is Love”. Beginning with the brilliant northern lights, the visual is comprised of a gorgeous variety of video clips that further prove the point of each individual lyric. Individuals playing piano, moshing at a big rock concert, holding hands, etc. As with light, there is dark and at the 1:44 mark, things get a little violent with riot footage. But a picture made further drives the point of the song title afterward, ending the video on a beautiful and encouraging note.
Get your first peep at the video below!
Keep up with A Picture Made here.
by Meredith Schneider | Dec 2, 2019 | videos, wolf tracks
Tedy may have a more evolved sound than most — he originates from Haiti, but has lived in many places and is now taking North America by storm — but his grit and intensity is so relatable, that there is no fixed genre and even more room for music fans of all types to find themselves in his work. He just released the video for his single “Stuck”, and we’re enthralled.
A video that is every bit as dramatic as the music that inspired it, Tedy makes strobe lights and mental breakdowns seem poetic. But, after all, when it involves love, doesn’t that make it even more tragically beautiful? Though the visual is a little difficult to watch at times — we all know it’s fiction, but that doesn’t make us want to hug him any less — we are big fans of the impact it has at first watch.
Keep up with Tedy here.
by Meredith Schneider | Nov 26, 2019 | videos, wolf tracks
You’re into mid century modern decor, correct? I mean, aren’t we all? Especially after Marie Kondo helped us clear out our closets last year, and Bobby Berk started re-designing them! Well, imagine what you love about that style. The simplicity, the boldness, the beauty. This is what experiencing Cayley Thomas‘ music is like. Her vocals are delicate, yet wide-ranging, the emotion put into her work most palpable. “Midnight Hours” is no exception, and the music video is just as luxurious as our decor dreams. An emptiness is felt, encouraged by the vocals but entirely detectable in the video, yet it is alongside a beauty we cannot shake.
Take a moment to appreciate a gorgeous voice and a captivating music video below.
Keep up with Cayley Thomas here.
by Meredith Schneider | Nov 11, 2019 | premieres, videos
Life has dark corners and crevices that aren’t always easy to navigate. But — with a sense of empathy and open-mindedness to the darkness and the people around you — it can be incredibly rewarding. Up-and-coming pop/R&B extraordinaire Bravo effortlessly displays this in the new music video for single “Skyfall”. The song itself is smooth and assuring, while the visual provides an interesting and relatable peek into Bravo’s own escape into music. The video is inspirational, sobering yet beautiful, and exactly what we need in as we venture into these cold, dark months.
After all, “we’ll be alright.”
Keep up with Bravo here.