by Meredith Schneider | Dec 10, 2019 | videos, wolf tracks
Burgeoning artist Talker releases her new music video for single “Learning the Feeling” today, and we’ve been anticipating this release for quite some time. We were lucky enough to speak with Talker in our podcast this year, and we’re thrilled with the new music she’s been releasing. Powerful, transformative, badass. When you realize the theme of anxiety and hidden emotion, this song — and its accompanying video — feels like a particularly beautiful release. And all of that is just multiplied with the new visual. Follow one of your new favorite artists as she wields a baseball bat, angsty vocals, and a jumpsuit.
Just the perfect amount of attitude.
Keep up with Talker here.
by Meredith Schneider | Feb 28, 2019 | 5 to 7, Featured
A few weeks ago, we had the distinct pleasure of sitting down to chat with Talker while she was revving up for the release of her debut EP Horror Films. We also got to speak about energy healing, life in Los Angeles, growing up in the same metropolitan area, and other fun thoughts! Since then, Horror Films has made its debut as well, so you’ll want to check that out. (But only after you listen to our podcast.)
1:03 – Joshua Tree
3:47 – Sacramento
8:34 – conception story
12:13 – writing process
13:33 – new music video
18:00 – new EP
20:28 – Frenship
22:44 – things to do in LA
25:36 – energy healing and crystals
28:43 – sloth
37:17 – The Great British Bake Off
Keep up with Talker here.
by Meredith Schneider | Nov 20, 2018 | singles, wolf tracks
Grunge-pop musician talker recently released her soft, mellifluous new track “Intimidated”. The robust range of her vocals is impressive, especially with the control she has over them. With a slight bit of rasp, she delivers the song in a heart-wrenching and infinitely relatable way. Wait for that instrumental buildup around the 2 minute mark, and you have a new anthem to jam to, speakers as loud as they get.
Pure honesty. What intimidates you?
Keep up with talker here.