by Meredith Schneider | Apr 15, 2020 | soundtrack, videos
As things get weird outside, we like to create our ambiance every day. Most of that involves music videos, and we get to see our fair share. So, per usual, we have sifted through all the new stuff and given you a (random) soundtrack of all the best ones! So get lost for a while… seriously. These videos will inspire.
Keep coming back all month long for new additions to the soundtrack. Because, really, what else are you doing?
by Meredith Schneider | Apr 9, 2020 | singles, soundtrack
We haven’t really been addressing the pandemic at Imperfect Fifth, mostly because it has flipped every aspect of how we do things on its side. As fun and amazing as some experiences have been, some have been really, very difficult. Like staying inside during the entire month of April. And we know it’s the same for everyone, so venting about it hasn’t really been our shpeal.
The good news is, music doesn’t stop. And artists everywhere have stepped up and continued to offer gorgeous new hooks, beautiful lyrics, and a lot more soul this month. So let’s dive in… to inspiration, to erratic genre hopping and new things to keep our minds both occupied and at ease.
We love you. Take care of yourselves.
by ImperfectFifth | Mar 18, 2020 | singles, soundtrack
100 essentials for those who want to get their feet into the deep waters of Brazilian music. Including a delightful collab between Frank Sinatra and Tom Jobim.
By Pedro Cesario from B.A.D.A.
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 17, 2020 | soundtrack, videos
In March of 2017, we were in a different place. Financially, emotionally, career-wise… but the biggest difference? We were covering SXSW as official press (for a different publication). Imperfect Fifth has thrived on what we learned within that community, learning tenfold about the industry in one week over what we had in the previous five years combined working within it. Because we are all feeling a sense of lack of community right now — and almost none of us are out enjoying ourselves in the streets of Austin — I wanted to share some video interviews from that first, fated SXSW. You know, when social distancing didn’t exist and we all did yoga in bars together.
For official SXSW coverage and takeovers all week, head to our Instagram!
by ImperfectFifth | Mar 16, 2020 | singles, soundtrack
The playlist is a list of songs that inspired all of the music that i will release this year. It also give people a look into where i am trying to go with my music. There are also some songs in this playlist that I cover live and will be releasing covers of this year. Take a step into my world of musical influences and inspiration.
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 12, 2020 | soundtrack, videos
This month’s music videos are coming in in droves, an especially endearing thought during all of this quarantine talk. We won’t have to mention that again today, however, because if you spend some time escaping into some of these new visual gems, you’ll understand why we love our jobs so much. Here are a few of our favorite new music videos, with more to come all night long!
Click the icon at the top of the window with 3 lines for the list of music videos on the playlist to pop up!
Keep up with this playlist all month long to continue to see our favorite new videos as they’re released!
by Meredith Schneider | Mar 10, 2020 | singles, soundtrack
The world is in a tailspin, and I don’t have to go into detail to tell you why. While America – and the world – locks themselves in their homes (and eats the key, right?), we want to provide some of the best new tunes to party hardy (alone or with other self-quarantined friends and family) throughout the pandemic. Check back all month long for the latest releases, and new ear worms to get moving to!
by ImperfectFifth | Feb 18, 2020 | soundtrack, wolf tracks
Here is a playlist of songs by artists, groups and bands who truly and deeply inspired me both musically as well as influenced my life in a big way. The songs range from punk, alternative, old country blues to pop and hip hop. Some of these songs were recorded by producers who influenced me or even some people who I worked for during my time LA. Some of these songs I listened to as a teenager in my room and dramatically changed my life. Some of these songs are songs that I discovered later in life or on different tours.
I hope you enjoy <3
Keep up with Vanessa Silberman
by ImperfectFifth | Feb 18, 2020 | soundtrack, videos
February is turning out to be one helluva ride, especially in the music video sphere. Eclectic pop act Elliot Lee is coming at us hot with some newness, Vanessa Carlton is still proving to “Be Not Nobody” with her new music video for “The Only Way”, and Mara Connor is bringing down the house with “Wildfire”. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. So check out our favorite videos of February 2020, and let us know what you want us to check out on our Facebook page!
Keep up with us all month long by checking back for new video additions!