mtrss | dreams shattered but not broken

mtrss | dreams shattered but not broken

Dreams are very meaningful machines and most of the time they are so much more than we think they are. Dreams tell you what you really know about something, what you really feel and point you toward what you need for growth. So if you want  to know your soul and navigate your life, you can’t do much better than turning to your dreams.

mtrss | dreams are for real

mtrss | dreams are for real

Dreams are very meaningful machines and most of the time they are so much more than we think they are. Dreams tell you what you really know about something, what you really feel and point you toward what you need for growth. So if you want  to know your soul and navigate your life, you can’t do much better than turning to your dreams.

i’m a psycho | brandon smith

i’m a psycho | brandon smith

These are all the songs I listened to while writing most of the album. Typically I’ll listen to one of the songs I’m most intrigued by and will try to vary up drum patterns and add my own flare with the guitars. Once I have the general mood of the song, that’s when the lyrics start to become apparent on what the idea is about.

if january stars came true | best new music videos of january 2021

if january stars came true | best new music videos of january 2021

What? The title didn’t make this obvious?


This month threw so much talent in our face, and 2021 really feels like something special because of it. Check out some of the best music videos we have seen this month, and check back all year to re-visit 2021’s first releases! Including videos from Bailey Bryan, Evan Stanley, Planned Dilemma, ALPHA HOPPER, and more.

january is the month that cares | best songs 2021

january is the month that cares | best songs 2021

We decided to start 2021 off strong with a lyric that holds true now, more than ever before. (Plus it’s a good ol’ reliable, Elton John song. And since we entered quarantine while he was making a second round on his farewell tour, we will play him on repeat until everything gets rescheduled.)

We also decided to start January off with connection, so you’re getting our favorite new tracks of the month a little late, but with extra intention. So dive in today, tomorrow, or any other day of any other month because our favorites from January 2021 will continue to live here. (Until we can’t afford to host the site anymore, ya dig?)

you run me down right, restless and wild | december 2020

you run me down right, restless and wild | december 2020

Winding down on the year from hell, let’s check out some of the high points of the month by keeping an updated account of the best new songs of the month. December 2020, you might be the last month of an otherwise difficult and weird year, but we’re going to remember you for the good stuff.

Cool k thanks bye.

(Headline lyric from Sara Bareilles’ “December.”_

when november rains you need somebody caring | november 2020

when november rains you need somebody caring | november 2020

November is already off to a kickass start. We’ve got a lot of pressure in the first week of the month alone – and that’s only after enduring the insane energy from a blue moon, daylight savings time, and Halloween this weekend – so it’s ok to return to check out our favorite newbies as much as you can for some music therapy! The soundtrack includes Lowertown, Allegra, MIHI NIHIL, Bengal Lancers, Wa Wa Punx, Ludic, Jesse Ruben, Malvae, Alex Maas, and more.