kitten forever, semi-permanent
Together, Laura Larson, Corrie Harrigan, and Liz Elton have come together to form the shape shifting and ever evolving minimalistic punk trio Kitten Forever and have just released their fourth and latest album, Semi-Permanent. One of the greatest attractions that this trio can offer is their seamless ability to switch instruments as well as roles mid-performance and deliver a stunningly complex and dynamic show. United by their equal abilities in each area of their performance, it is no wonder that this band has come produce four successful full length albums together. As these three friends continue to develop both their skills and talents, not only will they develop a stronger presence in the punk/pop world, but they will also gain priceless credibility among their peers.
Throughout their track, it is clear that they have clung to their roots as each song is infused with anthemic rhythms, fast and furious beats and melodic tendencies all within two minutes. Each song is laced with powerful drums and exciting bass loops that keep the toes tapping and bodies moving. If nothing else, one thing is clear-it is hard to stay still while listening to such enthusiastic and exciting music. Overall, Kitten Forever has found their niche within the realm of punk that is cleverly mixed with pop sensibilities which enhances and creates a unique sound that is specific to this Minneapolis-based band. Another notable aspect is their incredible ability to mimic the beautiful growl of the base and drums with their voice, truly becoming the third instrument in this tricky trio. This album as a whole explores the juxtaposition of all things with its lyrically dynamic tracks that discuss self-trust in a world of dishonest decay. As this budding group continues to garner success from the general public they prove over and over again that the punk genre is alive and thriving with each beat of the drum and strum of the bass. In a recent review of Semi-Permanent, an author wrote, “Kitten Forever is proof, once again, that punk is in fact not dead.”
Keep up with Kitten Forever here.