natali felicia, “this summer is cruel”
Seems particularly cruel when people release music videos full of references to warmer weather, or full of visuals of summer in the dead of winter. And yet, it happens all the time. At least, that’s how we feel in the northern hemisphere at this very moment. But the way Natali Felicia represents her surroundings in “This Summer is Cruel” is slightly cruel, in that it feels as though it’s promising this flash of warm weather and brilliant color, whereas the video was shot in black and white, and hosts visuals with soft breezes and – while you certainly get a glimpse of water – no real proof that it was even shot in the summer. The Stockholm-bred musician released her music video for “This Summer is Cruel” leading up to the release of her debut album, expected later this year. Her melancholic video is certainly enhanced to full-length picture quality with the robust and gorgeous tones to her vocals, indicating she is about to stake her claim on the music industry with full force.
Keep up with Natali Felicia here.