the rolling stones, youtube spirals, and psychology: an interview with keli price

the rolling stones, youtube spirals, and psychology: an interview with keli price

It is rare to find someone who is so mad talented at such a young age. But Keli Price has been knocking on music’s door for YEARS. He’s a singer and songwriter and has naturally forayed into the acting arena. He recently played Zak in ‘Side Effects‘ on a YouTube-exclusive channel called AwesomenessTV. But that’s not all. He’s currently recording music, reaping in the benefits of years of hard work, and being the coolest bi-coastal citizen you’ll ever encounter! Check out what he had to say about it all in our interview below. And swoon.

Serial Optimist: We have it on good authority that you have been involved in music for quite some time. When did you realize it was a passion you wanted to make into a career?

Keli Price: Music has always been a passion of mine. I could never get enough of it. When I was about five years old I would sing with my dad as he would play the guitar to songs like “Needle and the damage done” by Neil Young, “Angie” by The Rolling Stones, and eventually, I was so immersed in music that I knew it was going to always be a big part of my life.

SO: What was the first live show you went to? Any musical artists you would suggest that the Serial Optimist readers see live?

Keli: It was a Bob Dylan show at the Tiles Center on Long Island, NY. I was about five or six at the time. I remember turning to my mom and saying “He’s really good but I think he’s depressed”. You should definitely check out “Cream” or “The James Gang” in concert, if you get the chance. Both of those bands put on amazing shows, never a dull moment.

SO: Making a note of it now! What was the first song you wrote? What’s the story behind it?

Keli: The first song I ever wrote was called “LA”. I was in a hotel room in Los Angeles with my little brother Nikko. I was about eleven years old and he was eight. We were sitting there in our boxers about to get ready for the day when he picks up the guitar and starts strumming this chord progression. I started singing this vocal melody and that was that. There was something so organic and natural about that experience. I’ll never forget it. I still go back all the time and listen to the song. I’m transported back to that moment every time.

SO: We hear you may have attended Pepperdine University. What was the collegiate experience like for you?

Keli: Pepperdine was a great experience for me. I studied Psychology there and learned a lot more about why Bob Dylan is depressed;) No, but I really did get so much out of that experience and added so much to my personal knowledge about people in general.

SO: How did you get involved with AwesomenessTV and ‘Side Effects’?

Keli: I was called in to audition for the casting director Sheryl Levine, for the role of Zac. I was then brought back to read for the producers. I got a call a couple of weeks later that I had gotten the part.

SO: Easy enough! We read your FanLaLa interview about how you see YouTube as a television rival. We concur as you can see the power of YouTube sensationalism with Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, etc. Besides ‘Side Effects’, what has been the most artistically stimulating content you have run across on YouTube or a similar platform?

Keli: I mean, I personally go on “YouTube” more then I watch television. Whether it’s to check out music, watch an interview, or check out a video that all my friends are talking about. YouTube pretty much covers it all. Even if I missed an important political speech, a crazy NBA dunk, or an episode of my favorite show, chances are, I can check it out on “YouTube”. It gives anybody the chance to get there own content out there to the world. Giving an opportunity to people that can’t get their foot in the door at TV Networks or record labels, to be seen or heard on another medium, youtube.

SO: What is your favorite food joint in New York? What about LA? (We’re looking for stellar places to hang in our travels, too!)

Keli: “Hunan Café” is a little Chinese restaurant off of the Sunset Strip. It’s the best Chinese food I’ve ever had. It’s my favorite restaurant in LA. When you’re in New York you should definitely check out Gitane in Nolita.

SO: YUM! Can’t wait! Ok, so tell us a little bit about ‘The Sound of Magic’.

Keli: ‘The Sound of Magic’ is a coming-of-age rock musical with a mix of music, comedy, and fantasy. The film is set in a world we all know with an element of the beyond. It allows the mind to escape into a fantasy of wishes and dreams come true. I really enjoyed playing the role of Lee who is calm and cool and definitely beats to his own drum. It was a pleasure filming with such an eclectic group of actors and brilliant directors.

SO: Can’t wait to see it! If you could perform with any talent, who would you choose and why?

Keli: Mick Jagger. On stage with Mick Jagger would be a dream come true. Acting-wise, acting opposite someone like Michael Fassbender or Robert De Niro wouldn’t be so bad.

SO: Haha! No, that probably wouldn’t be bad. If you could give one piece of advice to our readers, what would it be?

Keli: Trust your instincts.

SO: Thank you! And finally, what do you think is underappreciated in this world?

Keli: Diversity! There is so much to learn from people who are different than you are.


Want to keep updated on all things Keli? Follow @KeliPrice now!