hirsh, going
Alternative electro-synth pop artist HiRSH – the ethereal, enchanting brainchild of musician Beau Hirshfield – is releasing his new EP Going on Friday. If first track “Ready to Go” didn’t offer the expression of his readiness to take on this industry with strong instrumentals and luscious vocals in its soundscape, the lyrics tackle that question head on. “Beating Heart” brings the tempo down, though somehow maintains a “party anthem” feel to it despite its dark lyrical tones. And while “Feels Like” boasts enviable percussion, Last track “The Well” perfectly rounds out the EP, riling up every emotion a human soul is capable within its 3 minutes and forty-seven seconds of smooth vocalization.
Says Hirshfield: “Trial and error. Guess and check. Ebb and flow. Peaks and valleys. Go ahead and pick any cliché you like to describe this journey. We are all in a mad dash to get somewhere while nobody has any real clue where were actually going. Life.”
Going is out June 29th. The EP release show is at The Peppermint Club in LA on June 29th. Tickets are available here. Keep up with HiRSH here.