the entire month of february was a snowstorm, but it produced some amazing music videos

the entire month of february was a snowstorm, but it produced some amazing music videos

February has been quite the whirlwind. Between incredibly busy schedules and hoards of snowstorms – mother nature is really wreaking havoc on North America right now, in case you haven’t heard – we have found solace in the music video world. Below, find a collection of some of our favorite new music videos that were released this month. You’re guaranteed to fall in love with at least two new discoveries.

love or the lack of it: our favorite tracks of february 2019

love or the lack of it: our favorite tracks of february 2019

While half the country is being pummeled by snow, w’ve been searching far and wide for the best new tracks of February 2019. Most of this is because we were originally supposed to go on a weekend getaway to Seattle this past weekend, and since that was canceled (HELLO, SNOW!), we have had a little more time on our hands. So, this month’s soundtrack is stacked already. And it’s only heading toward more greatness because – as you know – we continually update this sucker all month. So check below for newbies from Hugh Marsh, Gold Connections, Emarosa, Cheat Codes, Celeste, and more below!

Come back for more additions to the playlist throughout the month of February!