basic behavior proves to be far more than basic

basic behavior proves to be far more than basic

Since they announced their debut album in January, fans of FRIGS have been waiting with baited breath for its release. Now, after countless hours of work and recording sessions, this sludge-pop band is finally ready to show the music world what they have to offer. Their album Basic Behavior features their signature stark sounds and diverse influences. Led by Bria Salmena, this Toronto-based group has banded together with all of their individual thought and emotions in order to produce an all encompassing sound that is unique and interesting. With this particular attribute, once you listen to their work, they become impossible to forget and you find yourself wanting to hear more.

Even more impressive is that this album was completely self produced and was written and recorded within a 16-month period. During this time, all who were involved were able to explore their sound and solidify lyrical subject matter without the outside pressure that might have come from a producer. Thus, they were able to create a psychedelic element within their sons that contains aspects of emotional depth and immerse their listeners in hypnotic rhythms. Without a doubt, this new release will propel them forward and bring them even closer to finding where they fit in the music community.

Basic Behavior is out now. Keep up with FRIGS here.